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Gyarados FTW's Blog
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Gyarados FTW
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May 20, 2015

When is it ok to Abandon?

Views: 1975 Gyarados FTW
+Rep Report
 |  Abandon  |  Rage
I remember a game where I was a support and my carry was just being... well, a douche. I would even give him tangoes when he demanded them at full health, and he just made being lane support miserable. The rest of my team, of course, was on his side. To spare myself the torment of remembering that game I'll sum it up. Everyone was yelling and flaming me and just made me want to quit Dota altogether. Thankfully I hadn't abandoned a game recently and when I did I received no LP games. I rarely abandon unless it's a case like that and I usually mute and stick it out. Anyone else been in this situation? Was it wrong for me to abandon my team for my own selfish feelings? I always value your input!

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May 19, 2015

Does Dota Need More Hats?

Views: 3819 Gyarados FTW
Why is the workshop mean to some heroes and worship others? Is it because of a lack of talented artists? If you could create an item and have it be in th new immortal treasure, what would it be? Which hero would it be for? Always interested to hear your thoughts and ideas!

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May 18, 2015
+Rep Report
So I was being a silly little Pudge and I'm like, "I NEED VANGUARD! DOOMLING, COME HITHER!!". When I bought it from the secret shop (back in 6.8 #nostalgia) he said, "VANGAURD!!!!!!" This has happened on some other heroes I rarely play, since I don't usually know what to buy on the hero. It was a good buy since, for some reason, I was going hard carry. Although this isn't an item I see a lot and in other games it wasn't good at all, Pudge had a call-out for it. Does this mean that Valve originally intended for some items to be bought on heroes that aren't good? If so why? Also include some obscure but effective item builds on heroes you like to play as I always appreciate input!

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May 18, 2015

Why Does Solo MMR Matter?

Views: 4415 Gyarados FTW
+Rep Report
Cooperation  |  MMR
If Dota 2 is a team game, then why does everyone (or at least most people) go crazy over solo MMR? Why does no one care about party MMR and your ability to win with people you know. I understand that solo MMR is meant to make you cooperate with random people, but it's often hard to when you don't speak their language. PLEASE ANSWER ME SOMEONE. I'd like to here what you have to say!

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