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Recently, I've played Rubick and I build Arcane Boots and Urn of Shadows and I see myself pretty mana hungry and I see pros build Soul Ring and Tranquil Boots. So, which is more viable for a support ? I don't want to copy that build until I learn the difference and it's a bit intriguing. This is a big thing for me 'coz I play support. Plss HELP sensei-sama!
Thanks everyone for the feedback. Maybe I should stick with Urn of Shadows and Arcane Boots. It's more viable IMO. Boost my mana pool and team mana, HP regen/inflict and HP boost. Thanks again :)
Pros used to go tranquils + soul ring on every support in 6.83 because at that time arcane boots kind of sucked. Arcanes got nerfed a lot in the past and that 35 mana cost reduced the mana regen on self by a lot. Besides 1000 gold was a lot to pay in the early game for a support.
Now that arcanes got a huge buff by completely removing this mana cost and costing only 900 gold, arcanes are better in almost every situation now.
As you can see, supports with a lot of health like Ogre Magi can make better use of tranqs+ Soul Ring than lower health supports like Shadow Shaman or Sand King that tend to be mana intensive. But ultimately it comes down to what you're play style is: Soul Ring+ Tranquil Boots are best for making early game plays as a roamer and Urn of Shadows+ Arcane Boots are better if you plan on sticking with your team.
Relative cost is a factor 2225 versus 1800, quite a big difference, especially for a support. That extra movement speed is a really big deal too.
Those games tend to be won/lost on narrow margins so it's not unusual to see this. For pubs, I'd say the combo of Arcane Boots and Urn of Shadows is better, as you can help your team more (they'll need more help with health/mana management).
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Now that arcanes got a huge buff by completely removing this mana cost and costing only 900 gold, arcanes are better in almost every situation now.
As you can see, supports with a lot of health like
Those games tend to be won/lost on narrow margins so it's not unusual to see this. For pubs, I'd say the combo of