December 05, 2012
Bounty Hunter Usefullness.
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Bounty Hunter or Gondar if you prefer is a very versatile hero. He can track you and give his team extra gold and movement speed, he can stealth for a quick get-away, or he can even throw a mini metal windmill at you. All of these together make him very devastating in the grand scheme of things, however, how devastating exactly? This is the question I asked myself when looking into stealth based carries. Granted he's not a hard carry like Anti-mage I feel he has his pro's. A few of his simple and easy to spot pro's are his mobility, gold contribution from his ult, burst damage, and uhm, oh yeah gold from his ult. If you don't get the picture already, what I'm trying to say is that he gives huge gold with that single spell and I'm not sure that any team compilation will be able to stand up against his team if he gets track kills on all 5 of them in a team fight more than once. That amount of gold hurts and it hurts bad. You may think that your one or two levels over him gives you an advantage ,but, you take a look at his items and you realize,"Holy hell this guy has a Desolator,MKB,Butterfly,Power Treads, and a BKB at the 35 minute mark." When I honestly take a look at him I see nothing but possible wins. You either have to set up ganks about every 2-3 minutes on him early game with wards or face the wrath of him and his farm in a team fight later where you have no choice but to run in with negative armor and the possibility of giving up an extra 150 gold to each person on the other team. Overall I find him to be more successful as far as helping his team to an easy win than the average Clinkz or Riki. Quite honestly his gold bonus just ends all debates. It's so hard to overcome mid-late game that I don't care how farmed you are he's gonna out farm you.
But yes he is a great ganker, and a great asset to a lot of team compositions, but he will always remain a semi-carry, semi-carry-support if anything, because his most fundamental use, is his ability to get the hard carry on his team even more farmed.