December 05, 2012

Bounty Hunter Usefullness.

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Bounty Hunter or Gondar if you prefer is a very versatile hero. He can track you and give his team extra gold and movement speed, he can stealth for a quick get-away, or he can even throw a mini metal windmill at you. All of these together make him very devastating in the grand scheme of things, however, how devastating exactly? This is the question I asked myself when looking into stealth based carries. Granted he's not a hard carry like Anti-mage I feel he has his pro's. A few of his simple and easy to spot pro's are his mobility, gold contribution from his ult, burst damage, and uhm, oh yeah gold from his ult. If you don't get the picture already, what I'm trying to say is that he gives huge gold with that single spell and I'm not sure that any team compilation will be able to stand up against his team if he gets track kills on all 5 of them in a team fight more than once. That amount of gold hurts and it hurts bad. You may think that your one or two levels over him gives you an adv…
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