January 12, 2015

The Adventures of the Keen Vol. 1

Views: 2032 BKvoiceover
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Lore  |  Short Stories  |  Writing
Hello everyone, BK here. So I started writing some lore for my next hero idea in my spare time but as I continued writing it I realized that it seemed to be becoming less lorey (I just made up that word) and more like a short story so I decided to start posting my short stories that I come up with in a blog I call "The Adventures of the Keen." I am going to be posting these short stories as I come up with them, but hopefully as soon as possible. So please enjoy the first volume of The Adventures of the Keen.

At the Gates of the Deep Ones

“Extraordinary!” Exclaimed the keen expedition leader, a particularly heavy set man by the name of Dorin. The sight he was beholding was farther beneath the surface of the Miracle Sea than any of his kind had been before. The gate to The Kingdom of the Deep Ones. No keen had ever been this close to the gates of the Deep Ones and survived. Of course the new state of the art cloaking field he had installed was designed for that very purpose. …
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