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AbsolF's Blog
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October 26, 2013

Personal team note

Views: 2009 AbsolF
+Rep Report
Just a planning for my team, with the lineup/role/items/lanes/whatever.

Outworld Devourer

2 tanky, 2 semi-tanky, and 1 squishy heroes.
2 STR and 3 INT heroes.
2 melee and 3 ranged heroes.
3 stuns, 2 slows, 1 disable, 2 heals, lots of nukes (and lots of pure damage nuke too).

Probably not a bad lineup.


Doom Bringer

Nyx burns INT heroes. Lifestealer shreds Alchemist. Razor saps OD. Doom, well, dooms INT. AM is annoying, but counterable. Pugna counters INT. Silencer too. Shadow Demon purges Warlock Golem. Omniknight repels magic (and pure) damage.

Probably more counters to my lineup, but i don't remember/not pro enough to notice. Help would be nice.

2-1-2: well-balanced with the ward rotation. Probably need to counter trilane though.
3-1-1: Alchemist will suffer in lane, so probably not.
1-1-3: Timber can win solo lane if he's careful. Good too, because the supp…
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July 07, 2013
+Rep Report


Dota 2 is a scary game to newer players. They have to memorize skills, items, item builds, and almost everything. While it's true that almost all games need memorization of the mechanics, dota 2 is harder because of the 100+ heroes (400+ skills) AND items, and how to combine them. Well, with this, you just need to figure out the skill build, as almost every hero have a similar starting build, if not almost identical.

I'm not an expert in Dota 2, in fact i'm still a newbie. I feed constantly, sometimes i roflstomp in pub but those have only been 2 times. What i have, however, is theoretical knowledge i gained from reading articles and experimenting in the game. Regardless, i'll try to make this as good as possible.


1. This is just theoretical analysis. In-game experience may (most likely will) vary.
2. This guide assumes a typical pub play, with its uniqueness and quirks.
3. This guide is very generalized, more so especially because this helps with using almost any h…
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