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I just thought of it but why not Rearm with euls? It sounds really fun, SEA pubgamers recently started using mjolnir too. And about mek, its just weird :/
its just a poor mans hex, as i said before you only have 6 item slots.
mjollnir is ok as a 7th item to use the charges on creeps.
I just thought of it but why not Rearm with euls? It sounds really fun, SEA pubgamers recently started using mjolnir too. And about mek, its just weird :/
Rearming Euls is really good actually. You need to have a Euls AND a hex. This way you perma-disable 2 people at once.
i prefer disabling through DEATH BY DAGON E-BLADE!! in my opinion you should always try to go for that build, but ofcourse if the enemy has a hero that you NEED to disable since he is farmed, or the game isnt going that well for you then you can change it up.
To answer the original comment, it wouldn't make much sense for Tinker to get Mek in the first place. Tinker is constantly pushing/defending around the map and Tinker most of the time is not there with the team. How does Tinker get close to his team? He needs to TP to an allied unit, so if those units are not close to the team at all, you miss precious moments or seconds that someone might have lived with Mek. Those couple of seconds could be the moment that would've won that fight/etc.
Tinker need levels, level 1 Rearm is pretty bad and the rest of his spells have huge cooldowns. If you wanted his burst damage with Q+W then Skywrath Mage will do much better, lower cooldowns and have a really long silence. Tinker's stat growth overall is pretty poor and his cast animations are really long (except for missiles).
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