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Enigma farm question...

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Enigma farm question... 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Zerosaviour » July 21, 2014 3:33pm | Report
On average what kind of gpm and xpm should I be getting on Enigma through jungling.

I have been usually averaging mid 400 for most of my games on him.

I rarely am able to get kills with him but a lot of assists and tower gold. Also any tips on how to improve my farm would be helpful.

Tried looking at the guides but found them lacking.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Xyrus » July 21, 2014 5:01pm | Report
It's hard to set numbers to this. In a Team that fights earlier on, it will vary mostly on your entire Team's success. In games where you don't need to fight early...well, you're an Enigma with space to Farm, you got nothing to worry about X{D

Try looking at Pr0 games and ask yourself, how soon should I focus on Pushing and fighting rather than Farming? ad come up with stretch goals, e.g. XX CS at 5:00, 2k Gold by XX:00, etc.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Zerak Kyria » July 21, 2014 5:40pm | Report
What Xyrus said is a good place to start, an Idea which I like to do as Nature's Prophet sometimes is create treants and then let them jungle while I last hit in-lane, try it with Enigma's Eidolons, create them off one of your creeps to deny it and then send them into the jungle to farm, you get more gold faster. However it is not jungling truly so yeah.
Your new diet for heroes; You will need 4 wards (cuz wards taste better), 1 set of tangoes, 1 mango, 1 cheese.
With this you can make a nice Tango Mango Cheese platter. You can wash this all down with a nice bottle of water, Can be flavoured with red, green, yellow, blue, purple AND GOLD!
Caution: Taking roshan 3 times is required.

Zerak Kyria

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Zerosaviour » July 21, 2014 6:09pm | Report
Zerak Kyria wrote:

What Xyrus said is a good place to start, an Idea which I like to do as Nature's Prophet sometimes is create treants and then let them jungle while I last hit in-lane, try it with Enigma's Eidolons, create them off one of your creeps to deny it and then send them into the jungle to farm, you get more gold faster. However it is not jungling truly so yeah.

I usually do the creep deny to make my first set of eidolons on the safe lane to help keep the push coming towards our tower.

I usually have to stay in jungle early game due to me filling in the 4th role spot. Need to let the 1-3 spots have their gold and farm. So that means I usually have to make Mek for my tem before Blink.

Starting items:

Sages Mask
Mana pot x 2
GG branch

So I go:

Soul Ring
Blink Dagger
Refresher (usually halfway done by 35 min. Most matches don't go beyond that)


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by jawbreaker261 » July 21, 2014 8:41pm | Report
If you have a free jungle you should be have maxed eidolons at ~7 minutes and be ready to push. Maybe a bit faster if you're on dire. Mek should come around 8-9, blink follows at ~13. BKB depends on how the game goes. 20 is ideal, but rare outside of stomps. ~24 is more realistic. Most of my games are around ~500 GPM/XPM.

In the jungle:

If you're not cutting shortcuts with midnight pulse, start doing it. You want to be clearing 3+ camps/minute once you get level 3-4 eidolons.

If you can't get to a camp in time you want to be stacking it. You can get by with 2 eidolons starting at level 3, so you can send the extra out to do the stacking. A lot of camps are very easy to stack by pulling "to the side" after you cut down surrounding trees. Use pulse to help clear the stack.

Take advantage of the spots where you can farm 2 camps at once (drop a pulse to clear the trees). On dire, it's the big/medium camp between the T2s (the big/small camp works too, but that one's easily disrupted). On radiant, you can do it between both sets of big/medium camps. In all of these spots the medium camp spawnboxes are VERY forgiving, and you can quite reliably stack them as you farm.


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