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Wisp + Lina

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Wisp + Lina 6 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by ihaveaname » May 26, 2013 5:40am | Report
Me and a friend of mine have recently tried a few games with the combination of Wisp and Lina. We started playing it as a sort of troll idea, but the thing is, we've actually had some success with this combo. We tend to both go arcane boots and heavily upgraded dagons (and the obligatory Mek and Aghanims for Wisp and Lina respectively).

Now, I'm not going to lie; I'm not very good, and these games were in the Normal skill tier, so maybe it was just a case of noobs not knowing what to do against Wisp. However, I think this combo might have some potential; both the heroes' ultis are on a similar cooldown, and if we relocate gank someone who is alone we don't even necessarily need to stun, as the burst (~2000 magic damage from Lina alone when Dagon 5 is finished) is usually enough to kill them before they can react. Of course, this combo does level off late game, but I think it can be played as a sort of 'space creator' to take us into the late game when a true carry can take over.

What do you guys think?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » May 26, 2013 6:08am | Report
In my opinion, it's a waste. It's not sure both of you will get Dagon in time, and also, if you're playing against a good team, they'll always kill Lina and Io because they are really easy to kill. Also, a Black King Bar will ruin your whole strategy then you can't do anything about it to recover the lost gold.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Peppo_oPaccio » May 26, 2013 9:51am | Report
Does it have a future in competitive games? No because, as Hades said, the lack of survivability in both Io and Lina plus an easy way to avoid all the combo ( Black King Bar) makes this Heroes only good for ~20 minutes unless you can completely shut down the carry.

Is it good for pubstomps? I actually think it is, but with a different item build: because of Lina's passive you can build DPS items (maybe a Desolator or Daedalus) and, if your combo is not enough, finish the enemies with autoattack. It makes you scale into late game quite well, but you will need survivability items ( Satanic? Bloodstone?) too. I would really like to try this out. :D


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Mirror » May 26, 2013 9:53am | Report
Wisp anything is incredible.

Other than that like Hades Said a BKB will stop you in your tracks. Both of your heros are really squishy and easy to counter gank. That is a lot of farm going to support, that gold could be much better used by a cary or semi cary.

I am not really sure you fond a good combo, just a good hero, Wisp was the most banned hero in the west qualifiers.
My lone druid starting items are 12 Iron wood branches, 6 for the hero and 6 for the bear. Even if the bear does not get stats more twigs are OP on any hero.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Wulfstan » May 26, 2013 9:56am | Report
Mirror wrote:

Wisp anything is incredible.

Other than that like Hades Said a BKB will stop you in your tracks. Both of your heros are really squishy and easy to counter gank. That is a lot of farm going to support, that gold could be much better used by a cary or semi cary.

I am not really sure you fond a good combo, just a good hero, Wisp was the most banned hero in the west qualifiers.

Wisp+Techies man,its so good:D

On thread:Wisp is good to combine with anything that Io can compliment for.Does your hero need move movespeed and attack speed?Pair him up with an easy to kite hero,that is rather slow( Ursa for example).

Does your hero need a boost in mobility but has the dissables to kill people?Pair him up with Tiny.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by ihaveaname » May 26, 2013 4:33pm | Report
Actually, Desolator sounds like a good idea, I might try that soon; I guess I do have to accept the reality of BKB and Linkens :( It's just so much lol when we relocate in and a hero just sort of disappears into thin air :D

@Mirror: I agree, with the right hero combination, we do seem to get more rage quits than usual when I play Wisp :D But I don't think he should be picked every game or something; I've seen Wisp/PA before and that didn't strike me as too brilliant.


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