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good hero starters

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Forum » New Player Help » good hero starters 8 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by beastof_spy » April 30, 2013 2:01am | Report
im new to dota 2 after it more in depth than smite and im playing zeus and i was asking if that's a good starter hero??


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » April 30, 2013 2:47am | Report
beastof_spy wrote:

im new to dota 2 after it more in depth than smite and im playing zeus and i was asking if that's a good starter hero??

Zeus is easy to use, a lot of damage and not very farm dependent, but there are other heroes you might want to try! Keep playing and discover! Try anything that you see interesting.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by L0bstz0r » April 30, 2013 5:28am | Report
hey there,

since i dont rly know how skilled u are at last hitting and how much u know about dota 2 mechanics im goin to try to give some general advice:

a.) dont go for heroes that need much farm and rely on specific item builds (i.e. Medusa / spectre). Rather go for heroes that need little farm and are flexible in itemization, but can still be a threat to the opposing team --> nyx assassin, zeus, venomancer and drow (since her ult boosts her dmg quite good, she rly only needs a Shadow blade for survivability and initiation alike).

b.) avoid heroes that need superior positioning in order to be effective or require "higher" knowledge of other dota 2 mechanics (i.e. pugna, windrunner, invoker, shadow fiend). Heroes with nukes / disables that are easy to hit are preferable (ogre magi, death prophet, tidehunter, sniper...etc).

c.) use heroes that dont need u to manage multiple units or require complex spell-chaining (enchantress, chen, visage, brewmaster, meepo).

Here is a list of heroes that are advisable for new players.


Spirit breaker - easy to gank with and forces the opponent to constantly place wards (which is rather rare in low-skill pubs). also quite flexible in itemization.

Huskar - rather tanky, good sustain and adds killing-potential to ur lane. Thanks to his ultimate he also can contribute good burst-damage to teamfights, even if underfarmed.

Treant Protector - Just an overall good melee support with an easy to use spellkit.

skeleton king - 1 active and 3 passives, just rightclick and u are set. Ultimate makes him hard to focus down in team fights (look out for manaburns!). Needs fair amount of farm though!

tide hunter - tanky hero with a good chunk of burst and an easy and game changing ultimate.


Razor - can be built tanky because of dmg steal. good nukes and sustained dps.

Venomancer - aggressive laner, good pusher and sustained dmg spells allow him to be built tanky.

Drow Ranger - her ult gives her some good dmg so she can focus on items that help her survive (i.e. shadowblade)

nyx assassin - 3 bursts - 1 dmg reflect - invis - 1 (2) stuns - 2 of his spells have their full dmg potential when leveld once. Good ganker. Item independent.


zeus - depends more on exp than on items. powerful nuker. map wide teamfight contribution.

Lina - very good aoe burst. aoe stun. insane killpotential in lane. fits almost every team composition.

Lich - amazing lane control. can give armor buffs. good chaser and kiter (due to slows). devastating ultimate.

Death prophet - can be built tanky and still deal tons of dmg. aoe silence. Low cooldown nuke. Very good pusher.

this is just MY OPINION but i still hope, that it helps


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by SkyStormSpectre » April 30, 2013 6:42am | Report
I would add Dragon Knight and Lion to that list. They both have very easy to understand skill sets, without much positioning etc.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by frogger_29 » April 30, 2013 7:24am | Report
Sven, and Sniper are also pretty easy to use. Auto-attack FTW!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by L0bstz0r » April 30, 2013 7:58am | Report

I would add Dragon Knight and Lion to that list. They both have very easy to understand skill sets, without much positioning etc.

with lion i totally agree. But DK on the other hand really needs a lot of farm to be effective (much like sven). Ofc u can build him tanky and he sure has great and easy spells, but built as a tank his potentials is kind of wasted imo, therefor i didnt put him on the list. Furthermore DK really relies on that early BKB which can take a while to get for a new player - i know this because i have a friend who also is new to Dota and he gets his bkb this hero after the 30 min mark, which is far 2 late, considering he has nothing else but boots. its much like with void: an underfarmed or wrongly built DK is useless as the damage he does reminds me more of a pillow fight than an unstoppable lategame force.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by PeachFuzz » April 30, 2013 8:55am | Report
Agree with L0bstz0r, DK is a hero that needs quite a bit of farm and quite a bit of balls to play. His tower push is really strong, and beginners might not be able to take advantage of that.

For beginners just go with something ranged so they aren't in the thick of things, and nukes instead of stuns so they can't be blamed for missing them. Lich and Zeus are great.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by SkyStormSpectre » May 1, 2013 11:05am | Report
Generally supports are the best to start with yes.


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