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DOTAFire vs joinDOTA

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Forum » Matchmaking » DOTAFire vs joinDOTA 82 posts - page 4 of 9
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Leech » December 3, 2011 10:05pm | Report
And you can go play with your attitude of, "everybody makes mistakes except me, having fun isn't allowed only FOR SRS BSNS people can play dota. I know everything, only I can call shots in game and if my team tries I'll just let them die and not do anything except whine harder."

I will go with the idea that everyone can get better, including myself.

hahaha, you aren't serious? Your entire last few posts completely contradict that statement.

1. the act of going against; opposition; denial


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by LuvLes » December 3, 2011 10:13pm | Report
Go through my posts again and tell me where I say that I am better than anyone. Atlas is the cocky one, I am the **** that everyone hates. People hate me because I am adamant about teaching them a better play style because they are content with a 50% (or less) win/loss ratio. Until I win every single game I play without a death on my team, I am obviously in need of improvement derp. That goes without saying.

The funniest part is, you all talk like you know everything just like myself but from a different view. We go about this "Practice Match" and discuss it before hand. It seems like everyone agrees, then we get in-game and people just pick their favorite heroes. We don't work on our synergy or a decent composition, nothing.

You can have fun play what you feel is competitive. I will play what I think is competitive.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Leech » December 3, 2011 10:27pm | Report
We did agree and then Morph picks a support,and the rest of us are forced into a role we did not discuss, we don't hate you for "teaching" if that's what you want to call it. Usually teaching requires patience and a good attitude otherwise kids in school would all grow up to be like you. You are "hated" (not hated just annoyed by your nihilistic outlook) because you are pessimistic and whine the whole match about stuff that you yourself are not always right about.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Atlas » December 3, 2011 10:49pm | Report
It's not that you are just negative, but that you feel the need to spread it. You can try to improve people, or you can try to scold people and get angry about it and quit. No one does anything to you but you feel some urge to bark at others rather than pointing out mistakes in a proper manner. I just don't get it.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by LuvLes » December 3, 2011 10:50pm | Report
While you guys will never admit you are wrong. You do not fix your mistakes. Patience only goes so far, going with this analogy we have currently: I cannot exactly give you an F and flunk you, make you repeat until you pass consistently.

I told you, stop chasing. You guys never got those kills and then blame us for not chasing too, because we wanted to take an easy tower. Or how about the times when you guys went off to farm when our team's carries were pushing. That just doesn't make any sense.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by ixFusion » December 3, 2011 11:12pm | Report
With Loveless on this one.

You guys were asked numerous times to help me and Love and you continued to not give a ****. Then when we would die from pushing while you farmed you'd blame us. You guys make this practice time and **** and don't take our best player's (imo) opinion when it comes to thing and not even my opinion when I have experience with organized matches/tournament play on different games and consoles.

We lose games that we could easily win, get demolished in pubs and you guys expect to compete tomorrow it also gives the site an awesome name by losing by 20+ kills. If you're not going to take this seriously then why bother evening playing. You say it's for fun and stuff, but really it's to draw people onto our site if anything. This match is going to viewed on two very popular sites and if a new player views it and sees us get demolished why would them view our site? We talk about roles and strategy before the game and during the game you guys just throw it away. You then make excuses, argue when we tell you guys what we need to do to win and then smack talk your fellow teammates during and after the game.

Loveless is nor a ****, a hardass, a ***** etc. he is a member that cares about his site and wants it to do good. You guys say you do also care, yet you continue to give us a bad name and tomorrow will just be the biggest slap in the face for this site and because you guys played around and didn't care it's too late to change. The game part of this decision is not important. It's just the fact we all are making our site look like **** by playing ****ty in pubs (at least make it a close game) and now in this thread you continue to complain about Loveless's actions which if he doesn't want to play that is his choice, you can't force him to do ****.

I will still attend the game if needed. If not I will watch and cheer my fellow members and friends along. If we can practice a bit for real tomorrow that would be great. I'd love for you to give us another chance Loveless. If you really wanted us to at least not get demolished then you'd step in and play, because like I said your our best player.

Thanks Guys


Lyralei, the Windrunner


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Atlas » December 4, 2011 12:08am | Report
Everything straightened out!

Role list: (Please say something if I have this wrong)

Carry: Morph?

Initiator: Loveless

Support: Gunker

Carry/Ganker: Atlas

Nuker: Sarcyn/Shinobi?

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Plasmodium » December 4, 2011 12:25am | Report
I'm quite happy to be carry, I would rather be Ganker, let Atlas carry. If he doesn't want to, im PUMPED FOR THIS
Mess with the best, die like the rest.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by ixFusion » December 4, 2011 12:34am | Report
Power outage! Sorry for leaving. Good luck tomorrow! (on phone)

Lyralei, the Windrunner


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Leech » December 4, 2011 12:46am | Report

Power outage! Sorry for leaving. Good luck tomorrow! (on phone)

LOL we 4v5'd them and stomped.


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