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21 Votes

Loveless' Guide to Medusa

March 25, 2013 by LuvLes
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Gordhe | March 5, 2013 1:59pm
what do you think about a early midas on medusa? since she's a mid/late hero you will need more gold/exp/min right? i'm talking about a 7 min midas
And... Mjollnir stack with Splith shot?
xCO2 (72) | January 29, 2013 4:42pm
Mirror wrote:

Does Medusas Ulti deal flat damage to illusions or is it a 1500 DPS to illusions?

Mirror (22) | January 29, 2013 3:48pm
Does Medusas Ulti deal flat damage to illusions or is it a 1500 DPS to illusions?
LuvLes (32) | January 14, 2013 10:10am

i don't think you should consider illusion based heroes who burn your mana that big of a threat..
your ulti instagibs illusions alot...

Naga Siren's illusions take less damage than normal illusions once leveled and Phantom Lancer has bonus magic resist that his illusions get from his ultimate, so if either of them get an item like Heart of Tarrasque, your ultimate will not be anywhere near as effective. This isn't too rare since the time frame we are looking at is at least 35 minutes in.
xCO2 (72) | January 13, 2013 5:48pm

i don't think you should consider illusion based heroes who burn your mana that big of a threat..
your ulti instagibs illusions alot...

I agree, while mana burn is a big counter to her, you're better off with single target burners. She eats all illusion heroes except for PL for breakfast, who still struggles against her. You should have foes that do unconventional damage, like Slark or even Nyx if you're follow this stat based build. Not to mention they are both gankers, Medusa's anti-venom. (Lol, snake jokes)
jacketgun | January 13, 2013 4:10pm
i don't think you should consider illusion based heroes who burn your mana that big of a threat..
your ulti instagibs illusions alot...
LuvLes (32) | January 11, 2013 10:07am
Nullfield wrote:

i not sure if you covered this in your guide but what is your opinion on early levels of mana sheild do you get any real survivability out of it at all

Going early level Mana Shield isn't something I would really do, yeah you get a decent amount of survivability, but it gives 50% at all levels regardless. If you need it for a times where you just want to mitigate some damage, then turn it off, feel free to level it instead of a stat early on.

This is why I typically put two points toward Mana Shield at level 8 and 9, it should be enough for that stage of the game unless you plan to be in drawn out fights with Medusa this early on (which you shouldn't). Typically, you shouldn't even be focused in a 5-man DOTA scenario since you aren't a high threat early and even if you did level it early, you would be even more useless.
Nullfield | January 10, 2013 11:36pm
i not sure if you covered this in your guide but what is your opinion on early levels of mana sheild do you get any real survivability out of it at all
Atlas (117) | January 10, 2013 8:25pm

Such a useless hero honestly. You need something like a Naga to even land your ult. If not you get instanuked. Her early game is good and her pushing is amazing, The Mana Sheild and ult seems not to do much of anything. Would rather see something like Cassiopeia's ult in LoL. My experience in 3 games has been horrible anyway.

She's just a hero that needs a lot of buildup time. Her ulti is great, note that you don't have to be looking at them, they just need to be looking at you. It can shut enemy carries down in fights and thwart a push. She doesn't become effective until about 40 minutes into the game, though.
ixFusion (8) | January 10, 2013 8:19pm
Such a useless hero honestly. You need something like a Naga to even land your ult. If not you get instanuked. Her early game is good and her pushing is amazing, The Mana Sheild and ult seems not to do much of anything. Would rather see something like Cassiopeia's ult in LoL. My experience in 3 games has been horrible anyway.
OneHalf (10) | January 10, 2013 7:49pm
I love your guides!

Sarcy (27) | January 10, 2013 3:29pm
Circlet would be going into that Ring of Aquila he mentions.

Also +1 short, concise and not a bad build. Happen to agree against MKB and Daedelus
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