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Being owned late game with Enchantress

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Being owned late game with Enchantress 19 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by tolgaist » June 29, 2012 6:57am | Report


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sarcy » June 29, 2012 4:37pm | Report
If you are pulling those stats I would say its either your team not working well collaboratively (do not absolve yourself from the picture completely, you'll never improve that way) or you are simply coming up against better players and better team compositions.

There is a tendency for people to just pick what their favorite is and 99% of the time that is your squishy agility lategame carry. If you see these picks work around it, it's frustrating but picking a good fight initiator like Sand King and Tidehunter can more often than not win you those fights and ultimately the game if you can convince your team to work together and if you play well.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by rusPiglets » July 6, 2012 4:24am | Report
Personally, I rush scepter, but it hardly seems to matter, because most of the times I am just being clobbered in the end game.
Late game I see her more of a cleanup hero.
There is not problem with your items or teammates, it's just, she does not scale very well.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by wilddeonpwn » September 14, 2012 7:21pm | Report
Bambi is a boss late game, well, with what I play her as, I really own late game. In one match I got Linkens, heart, aghs, and other great items. I remember I was terribly out of position near the end, I died and they finished it. Truly a great match


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by daPhongster » September 18, 2012 5:10pm | Report
I'd like to say that I think Enchantress is a early- mid hero. She can be pretty boss late game, if she farmed.

Creeps fall out somewhat toward the late game, her ult does the same damage at lvl 16 and lvl 25, and her attack speed slow and heal are flat values.

Therefore, if you are losing late game, try to own harder early/mid or focus on not dying instead of dps.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Atlas » September 18, 2012 5:56pm | Report
Typically, I on Enchantress, going Aghs and Orchid will give you all the DPS you need. After that, look into a BKB and even Heart, as Enchantress is very squishy! I find it that sometimes it can be worth it to go Orchid first, for the mana regen as well as amplified damage + silence and stats. After that, depending on who you're against, a BKB can be the next item in line as it actually allows you to survive the teamfight. After BKB, go Aghs, and you're set really! Everything after that is situational.

I wouldn't consider getting MoM on Ench though, I've seen it before and sure it gives her some attack speed, but it makes her take increased damage. Not good! She's too squishy for that mess!

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Nubtrain » September 20, 2012 5:32pm | Report
Just build tank after you get your scepter/orchid cuz you're not going to deal as much damage as you should be late game anyways. Heart for massive health/regen, shivas for melee/ranged auto attackers, bkb etc.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by wilddeonpwn » September 24, 2012 11:31pm | Report
Atlas wrote:

Typically, I on Enchantress, going Aghs and Orchid will give you all the DPS you need. After that, look into a BKB and even Heart, as Enchantress is very squishy! I find it that sometimes it can be worth it to go Orchid first, for the mana regen as well as amplified damage + silence and stats. After that, depending on who you're against, a BKB can be the next item in line as it actually allows you to survive the teamfight. After BKB, go Aghs, and you're set really! Everything after that is situational.

I wouldn't consider getting MoM on Ench though, I've seen it before and sure it gives her some attack speed, but it makes her take increased damage. Not good! She's too squishy for that mess!

You know, MoM is a beast item on most heroes if you know HOW to use it


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Glayde » September 25, 2012 10:40pm | Report
wilddeonpwn wrote:

You know, MoM is a beast item on most heroes if you know HOW to use it

Beast item on MOST heroes. Unless you're extremely fed or extremely tanky, I wouldn't go for MoM because, like Atlas said, she's too squishy to take 30% more damage (or whatever percent it is).

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » September 26, 2012 5:37am | Report
wilddeonpwn wrote:

You know, MoM is a beast item on most heroes if you know HOW to use it

You're the single one who goes for Mask of Madness on Enchantress.

The better choice is a Orchid Malevolence.
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