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New Moderator: TheSofa

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Forum » News » New Moderator: TheSofa 7 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » July 15, 2018 9:05am | Report

Today is a special day, and not only because it's the World Cup finals! I'd like to announce the promotion of our newest Moderator, TheSofa!

Throughout the years, TheSofa has greatly helped DOTAFire develop both as an Editor and as a Veteran. From simple database updates to contests judging and forum activities, he always did his best to help us out of passion and dedication to the game and to our dear community.

We would like to thank TheSofa for being one of the pillars of our community and for all his hard work to help the growth of one of the friendliest DotA 2 communities around. You're awesome!

Congratulations and enjoy your blue nickname! :D
Message me if you'd like to join our official Discord server!

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » July 15, 2018 9:32am | Report

It's been a wild journey, folks. A wild, wild journey. Throughout these years I've seen myself grow as a person and as a dota player, I've watched the rise and fall of many community members, and I've gotten to see the forums at its peaks and its valleys.

I'm delighted to be a part of the team of superheroes I once looked up to.

See you around!

Also Bunkansee if you're reading this


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Memorable (54)
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Bunkansee » July 15, 2018 2:14pm | Report
TheSofa wrote:


It's been a wild journey, folks. A wild, wild journey. Throughout these years I've seen myself grow as a person and as a dota player, I've watched the rise and fall of many community members, and I've gotten to see the forums at its peaks and its valleys.

I'm delighted to be a part of the team of superheroes I once looked up to.

See you around!

Also Bunkansee if you're reading this

Congrats Sofa! You definitely deserve this, as you are super active on the forum even still. (After what, like 4 years?!) Even though my annual posts are suuuper informative and stuff, you definitely deserve this way more than me, though I still beat you to veteran haha. Also I'm fairly sure this is fate, because just as I on a whim decided to check my old hero and item ideas, (which are definitely a lot worse than I remembered them) I saw you with your new shiny blue name.

Send me a message on steam sometime! We should play some DotA soon, I can't remember if we've even played at all before... maybe just once?

Glad you remembered me also haha, I feel honoured.



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Remarkable (32)
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Steam: Bunkansee
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » July 15, 2018 9:00pm | Report
Bunkansee wrote:

Congrats Sofa! You definitely deserve this, as you are super active on the forum even still. (After what, like 4 years?!) Even though my annual posts are suuuper informative and stuff, you definitely deserve this way more than me, though I still beat you to veteran haha. Also I'm fairly sure this is fate, because just as I on a whim decided to check my old hero and item ideas, (which are definitely a lot worse than I remembered them) I saw you with your new shiny blue name.

Send me a message on steam sometime! We should play some DotA soon, I can't remember if we've even played at all before... maybe just once?

Glad you remembered me also haha, I feel honoured.



It's good to see ya around - of course I remember you dude! We should totally play sometime. I'm pretty sure I've seen your Crystal Maiden only once so you gotta show me those plays ;).

Keep ghosting around the forum man! Many good things to come :)



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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by JamesWilly » July 16, 2018 3:51am | Report
Congrats Mr.Sofa :D


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Yzreel » August 4, 2018 1:56am | Report
TheSofa wrote:


It's been a wild journey, folks. A wild, wild journey. Throughout these years I've seen myself grow as a person and as a dota player, I've watched the rise and fall of many community members, and I've gotten to see the forums at its peaks and its valleys.

I'm delighted to be a part of the team of superheroes I once looked up to.

See you around!

Also Bunkansee if you're reading this


My word, you are a moderator now?! Congratss!!
Here's to you for being such a loyal reader on my ideas and a great friend :)

Wish you all the best, Sofa! I'm proud to have known you from all the way back!

P.S: I just reposted Askeladd and Archon (he's Archdyne now, with LGBT being accepted everywhere lol), if you remember them. Do give them a look!
My hero ideas
Yzreel Hero Arsenal


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Remarkable (30)
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » August 4, 2018 7:46am | Report
Hey Yzreel!

Welcome back to the forums! And yes, I do remember Askeladd and Archon :)

Have fun with the contest!


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Memorable (54)
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