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Remove the distinction between kills and assists

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Forum » General Discussion » Remove the distinction between kills and assists 6 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » May 9, 2018 8:58am | Report
Why does the game make a difference between the hero that gets the last hit on an enemy hero and the other heroes who contributed to the kill? Why is one rewarded more than the others?

Bad players abuse this system for killstealing, while good players abuse the system for babysitting cores, which isn't much better for game health because it doesn't reward skill.

Alternative system : Kill gold is split evenly between all heroes that contributed to the kill. Kills are no longer credited to one specific hero, but to all heroes that contributed to the kill. KDA ratio changed to KD ratio. Number of kills is increased by 1 divided by the number of heroes that contributed (1 kill for a solo kill, 1/3 for a 3-man kill, and so on).
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » May 9, 2018 9:08am | Report
Just like in any sport, be it football for instance, the player who scores the goal gets the credit for the goal, while the player who helps achieve the goal (like a good pass) gets credited a goal assist. What matters is that no matter who gets the goal, it is in the benefit of the whole team.

I agree with your point, but I'm not sure if the solution is the necessary one. I was thinking at one point that crediting the kill to the hero who has dealt the most damage to the target would be the most fair system, but in that case the carries would most probably get most of the kills which still isn't a good option.

I'm trying to picture a scenario using the alternative you've proposed and it seems a bit weird, I can simply attack a hero once and deal less than 100 damage and whenever my team kills him I'm credited a kill, which isn't that fair. However, in the actual system, if you deal most of the damage and someone steals your kill, that still isn't fair too. Well, I guess the point I've mentioned previously that it doesn't matter who gets the kill since it benefits the whole team anyway kinda "excuses" the system used.

Not sure if Valve will ever change the way it works, only the way the gold credited is calculated. Now I'm curious to what will the future bring. :D

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » May 9, 2018 10:15am | Report
Hades4u wrote:

Just like in any sport, be it football for instance, the player who scores the goal gets the credit for the goal, while the player who helps achieve the goal (like a good pass) gets credited a goal assist. What matters is that no matter who gets the goal, it is in the benefit of the whole team.

But in soccer, even if your team did most of the play, scoring goals actually takes skill, unlike Anti-Mage sitting back while his supports do all the work and just pressing R. There's really no equivalent of that in sports. It would be like crediting goals to the cheerleaders.

Hades4u wrote:

I agree with your point, but I'm not sure if the solution is the necessary one. I was thinking at one point that crediting the kill to the hero who has dealt the most damage to the target would be the most fair system, but in that case the carries would most probably get most of the kills which still isn't a good option.

The problem with that system is that guys like Zeus or Enigma who rely on slowly dealing AOE damage wouldn't get any kills, and indeed carries would get all the kills. Some heroes would get literally zero kills every game so it doesn't work. There would also still be ways to abuse the system to KS, because there's a hard cutoff between getting it and not getting it.

Maybe give gold proportional to the amount of damage dealt?

Hades4u wrote:

I'm trying to picture a scenario using the alternative you've proposed and it seems a bit weird, I can simply attack a hero once and deal less than 100 damage and whenever my team kills him I'm credited a kill, which isn't that fair.

Not exactly, you'd be credited 1/5th of a kill to your KD ratio if your entire team is here.

You could see this as a buff to supports.

Also it would reward solo killing way more than it does now.

Hades4u wrote:

Well, I guess the point I've mentioned previously that it doesn't matter who gets the kill since it benefits the whole team anyway kinda "excuses" the system used.

The "helps your team" thing kind of falls down when you consider heroes with built-in KS mechanics like Axe, Zeus or Necrophos. There's nothing more gameruining than an Axe who takes all the kills on a guy that doesn't scale with items.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by WhosNuker » May 10, 2018 9:13am | Report
I think a good idea might be if you were to split the gold evenly based on the damage you do. So if the carry does 2/3 of the damage to the enemy hero and the support does 1/3 of the damage with the bounty being a total of 300 per se, the carry would get 200 gold and the support would get 100 gold. That way the gold is split evenly so kill stealing won't do that much if you don't do the damage.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » May 11, 2018 9:17am | Report
WhosNuker wrote:

I think a good idea might be if you were to split the gold evenly based on the damage you do. So if the carry does 2/3 of the damage to the enemy hero and the support does 1/3 of the damage with the bounty being a total of 300 per se, the carry would get 200 gold and the support would get 100 gold. That way the gold is split evenly so kill stealing won't do that much if you don't do the damage.

It's a good idea but the problem with that system is that supports who just apply CC or buff their carry get literally 0 gold.

So we still need a part of the gold being given to everybody in the area.

How about 50/50. 50% of the kill gold is distributed equally to everyone in the area, 50% of the kill gold is distributed in proportion of damage dealt?

(frankly anything is better than "the guy who gets the last hit gains more gold for some reason")
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by WhosNuker » May 14, 2018 7:42am | Report
Ya anything that makes it so the person who gets the last hit doesn't get most of it is fine. Also maybe if they added some form of disable or buff duration counter that tracks how long the enemy id disabled or your allies are buffed. They can put gold based on that.


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