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Pub game feeders and report issues

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Forum » General Discussion » Pub game feeders and report issues 10 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Suphichenko » October 23, 2017 3:30am | Report
I see such players even in AD (which i choose more than normal games)

In the last game i played a guy finished the game with 32 deaths in 44 minutes. He was even TP'ing to the closest heeadquarter to feed faster. And he did it all because another player in his lane got a few creeps when he didnt want him to do.
i really for a while believed we could still win despite his feed. There was no way they could win if he didn't do this. But we lost and he made fun with all of us ( none of us knew each other in the team so there is not group psychology in this) and humiliated us

i know times that i got banned as one of the players in my team starts provoking me, others join him and i become the scapegoat and get 4 reports from my team mates as a result. At the end allthough i do my best to win the game i get a LP eventually. And this guy will may get the same punishment or even less.

There are soo many players that get banned for only not playing well enough or players who are not good as a team player. And such players gets the same amount of ban as players like him. i think this is not just.

i find these situations really unjust!
(just wanted to tell because there may not be a solution to this but saying relieves me a little at least

There are many other things i can say about this matter. what you think?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » October 23, 2017 6:47am | Report
Hey, welcome to DOTAFire!

I know what you're talking about and all you can do is behave yourself and play your best. You won't be able to control your teammates or the enemy teammates but you're always in control of yourself, your game play and your impact over the game.

It's tough and discouraging when you encounter such players, but just ignore them and try to learn from every experience, that's the best you can do. :)

Even though it might be difficult to keep hoping and trying to win, in many matches that you gave up you might've won if you tried your best at winning, you never know what can happen in DotA.

Also, take into consideration some factors that influence the players you get matched with: your behavior and the match type. You're going to encounter more behaved players in ranked that are going to play till the end to win than in normal matches where people aren't that stressed at all, because the stakes are higher in ranked. Also, if you behave yourself, you don't get reported and you don't abandon matches, your behavior score will increase resulting in better matches with players that in most cases will behave properly.

Hopefully my insight's helpful, take care and have fun! :)
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Suphichenko » October 24, 2017 1:18am | Report
i thought other members would write their opinions about subject. i didnt expect and admin to inform me under the influence of valve.
seems like this is not a place i can criticize Dota 2 ;)


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by neilly » October 24, 2017 4:35am | Report
Hades4u wrote:

Hey, welcome to DOTAFire!

I know what you're talking about and all you can do is behave yourself and play your best. You won't be able to control your teammates or the enemy teammates but you're always in control of yourself, your game play and your impact over the game.

It's tough and discouraging when you encounter such players, but just ignore them and try to learn from every experience, that's the best you can do. :)

Even though it might be difficult to keep hoping and trying to win, in many matches that you gave up you might've won if you tried your best at winning, you never know what can happen in DotA.

Also, take into consideration some factors that influence the players you get matched with: your behavior and the match type. You're going to encounter more behaved players in ranked that are going to play till the end to win than in normal matches where people aren't that stressed at all, because the stakes are higher in ranked. Also, if you behave yourself, you don't get reported and you don't abandon matches, your behavior score will increase resulting in better matches with players that in most cases will behave properly.

Hopefully my insight's helpful, take care and have fun! :)


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » October 24, 2017 7:08am | Report
Suphichenko wrote:

i thought other members would write their opinions about subject. i didnt expect and admin to inform me under the influence of valve.
seems like this is not a place i can criticize Dota 2 ;)

DOTAFire is a website where you're free to discuss any subject of your liking. I'm not sure what you mean by "under the influence of Valve", our website is dedicated to the game and to developing the DotA 2 community, we don't have anything to do with Valve at all.

What I said in my comment was my opinion based on information and facts on the matchmaking system. I'm a member of this community too just like anyone else and I wanted to help with what I know. :)
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Suphichenko » October 24, 2017 10:57am | Report
Hades4u wrote:

DOTAFire is a website where you're free to discuss any subject of your liking. I'm not sure what you mean by "under the influence of Valve", our website is dedicated to the game and to developing the DotA 2 community, we don't have anything to do with Valve at all.

What I said in my comment was my opinion based on information and facts on the matchmaking system. I'm a member of this community too just like anyone else and I wanted to help with what I know. :)

well, i dont think writing thinks i allready know helps. and it lacks a more important point, i am not relieved


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » October 24, 2017 4:20pm | Report
Hey Suphichenko;

Unfortunately, many of us also experience what you're going through. The worst part is: most of what you're describing is completely out of our control.

We can't control other people - if they want to report us, they will report us.
We can't control the valve banning system - if it decides to send you to LP, there's no way for us to stop it.
We can't control feeders on your team. If they feel like feeding is the only option to avenge themselves, then they will do so no matter what we say to them.

As cheesy as it may sound, the only thing we can control is how you react to situations or your behaviour. When someone flames you and/or provokes us, we can either choose to respond in anger (however justified and or truthful it may be) or we can simply respond with silence or gratitude. When someone feeds, we can either choose to be super tilted and frustrated about the game, negatively influencing both our current game and the next game we're playing, or we can remember the game a few nights ago where the enemy had a feeder and we won even though we didn't really work for it.

No system is perfect - it's really hard to make a system that accurately punishes "bad guys" and rewards "good guys", especially since what is "good" to you may be "bad" to others.

However, DotA does give us options to deal with these unfair situations. One of such tools is my best friend, the mute button. Try it, it's really good in situations similar to the ones you described.

I'd also like to add that this website has zero affiliation with Valve. Feel free to criticize dota 2 all you want with reason. To be completely honest, however, most of our members won't take the time to read and respond to an argument that isn't extremely compelling, since most of us have other things to do with our time.



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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Cocopower » October 24, 2017 4:46pm | Report
Look I understand exactly what ur going through as a player of techies I get reported all the time even if I carry the team, but alas it can’t be helped bc some people just need to be toxic for themselves maybe they have just had a bad day we have all been toxic at least once. Ik that u may have not deserved it but it happened so u just need to move on and keep playing hopefully making the dota community one person less toxic.

Sincerely coach coco


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by The Untouchable » October 24, 2017 5:00pm | Report
A support player here, and yeah, I've gone (and still going) through what you've been through.
As a personal experience, I was this noob Abaddon who didn't know how to harass properly, and there was my carry, a Sven. Well, he called me a mother****** and left the game. But after 2 minutes, he came back, and I supported him all the way to the enemy ancient while he rekt the damn thing.

The only thing you could do about this kind of behavior is to turn on your don't-care mode and don't care. Even if you're going to lose a match, you can at least practice more last hitting etc. I did it in an Arc match. All lanes were lost and I lost with 0-0-0. But I got better at last hitting as Arc.

Try to find the opportunity to improve, is all I can say. Remember that where there's an N, there's also an N+1. You can always improve.

If they flame, mute them. I don't mute though lol
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » October 25, 2017 5:05pm | Report
Just mute them. If people flame you and you don't flame back you won't be reported.

I've always done that, never been in LP in my life.
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