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Guide Contest: Write, Vote, or Comment to Win!

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Forum » News » Guide Contest: Write, Vote, or Comment to Win! 24 posts - page 1 of 3
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » September 1, 2017 12:23am | Report

Now that The International 2017 is behind us, it's time for new talents to rise and what better way to help them improve than providing them new and updated guides for the latest patch!

We're doing a contest / giveaway to reward those members helping to keep our guides up to date. By participating you can win any Arcana of your choice, forum badges and titles, or any treasure of your liking that can be found in the store!

Guide Contest (13 Winners)
We'll be separating the guide contest into multiple categories, some categories are based on the hero attributes, and some are more specialized.

Contestants will have 4 weeks to enter. Simply create or update a guide during the contest to be automatically entered!

Grand Prize Winner will receive:

Arcana of choice

50 USD Steam Wallet

Grand Prize Winner Badge + Forum Title

12 Winners will receive:

Arcana of choice

Attribute / Specialty Badge

Guide Categories

(1) Best Looking Guide Winner

(1) Most Comprehensive Guide Winner

(1) Best General Guide Winner

(3) Strength Hero Guide Winners

(3) Agility Hero Guide Winners

(3) Intelligence Hero Guide Winners

To qualify for the guide contest your guide must have at least 2500 characters (characters, not words, includes bbcode) and a properly filled out build - skill sequence, talents, and at least core items in the item purchase order. Guides and item builds must be competitive in the current meta.

If you want feedback for your guide simply leave a comment in this post! The DOTAFire community will be happy to help by giving your guide feedback. :)

Contest Categories
We'll be separating the guide contest into the 3 hero attributes: Strength, Agility and Intelligence, -- as well as 3 specialties: Best Looking, Most Comprehensive, and Best General Guide. You are allowed to create one guide as entry for each attribute.

Strength - "Good day to fight!"

Strength heroes are known for being able to tank more damage thanks to their high health and health regeneration. The heroes of this attribute are considered by many to be the most versatile, since strength heroes can fulfill the roles of carry, ganker, jungler, support and initiator. With a few exceptions, almost all the strength heroes attack from melee range thus needing mobility items not to get kited by the enemy team.

3 Winners will receive an Arcana of choice and the Strength Badge.

Agility - "All enemies fall at the whim of my blade!"

Agility heroes are the strongest damage dealers, since they gain both damage and attack speed as their primary attribute increases. However, they are usually easier to kill especially in the early game, but once they've reached the late game they're going to have scary damage outputs while also being able to survive physical damage the best, since agility points also increase the armor of the heroes.

3 Winners will receive an Arcana of choice and the Agility Badge.

Intelligence - "Enlightenment is mine!"

Intelligence heroes excel at dealing magical damage using their diverse abilities. They are stronger in the early game since their abilities are most effective when the enemies have low health pools, but they're also much needed throughout mid to late game considering they have the most disables, enabling them to control the enemy heroes better than most.

3 Winners will receive an Arcana of choice and the Intelligence Badge.

General - "Where should I place this ward?"

It's important to have dedicated guides for heroes, but there are many more to learn and this is what general guides are for. From warding guides to how to increase your matchmaking rating, these guides are here to help you improve as a player overall, not only for a specific hero.

1 Winner will receive an Arcana of choice and the General Guide Badge.

Best Looking - "Bullet points or more color? Hmm..."

A guide that has all the information needed for a hero to played is a good guide, but what makes a great guide is the clarity and ease of reading. Take advantage of our formatting tools and make your guide look as fresh as possible! If you're in need of help, you can find a guide on formatting here.

1 Winner will receive an Arcana of choice and the Best Looking Guide Badge.

Most Comprehensive - "Never enough words to teach DotA 2"

DotA 2 is a very complex game and we are constantly learning more and more. Even when you think you're done explaining, there's always more coming to mind and you just can't miss out on providing extra information on how to play! A hero that can fulfill two different roles? That could create a very complex guide since it requires two different item and skill builds but also explanation!

1 Winner will receive an Arcana of choice and the Most Comprehensive Guide Badge.

Giveaway Raffle (10 Winners)
Another way to win prizes is simply by participating in our guide community! Earn raffle tickets by voting, leaving constructive comments on guides, or creating your own guide! Here is the breakdown of how many tickets you can earn for different kinds of engagement:

10 Lucky winners will receive a treasure of choice!

How to earn tickets:
  • 1 entry - Vote on a guide
    • (you earn 1 for each guide you vote on)

  • 2 entries - Constructive comment on a guide
    • (you earn 2 for each guide you comment on)

  • 5 entries - Create or update your own build
    • (limit 1 per person)

  • 20 entries - Create or update your own guide
    • (you earn 20 for each guide with 2500 or more characters you write)

  • 50 entries - A guide or build you created or updated during the contest earns an 80% or greater score
    • (you earn 50 for each build or guide that has an 80% or more score at contest close)

Details (The Fine Print)

  • To qualify for the guide contest your guide must fulfill the following:

    • 2500 characters - not words, characters, includes bbcode

    • Properly filled out skill sequence, talents, and some items in the purchase order

    • Guide text is completely up to date and reflects the current game state

  • Any rule breaking or funny business (vote cheating, spamming the same comment on every guide, etc) will get you disqualified, we will check

  • You will be contacted via the email associated with your DOTAFire account if you win

  • Contest and giveaway closes Sep 28, 2017 at 11:50pm PST (GMT -8)

  • Winners of the giveaway raffle will be announced Sep 29, 2017

  • Winners of the guide contest will be announced Oct 5, 2017

  • You can have one entry for each attribute and one entry for the general guides and you can only win once

  • Contest and giveaway is worldwide

  • Prizes are distributed via Steam. In order for us to give you your prize you will have to provide us with your steam ID and accept our staff member's friend request.

  • Winners will have 7 days to claim their prize, after which their prize will be forfeit.
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Distinguished (296)
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Steam: hades4you
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hashmouse » September 1, 2017 1:19am | Report
You can't choose level 20 and 25 talent since the level caps at 18


Notable (1)
Posts: 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » September 1, 2017 1:22am | Report
Hashmouse wrote:

You can't choose level 20 and 25 talent since the level caps at 18

The guides display the skill build up to level 18, because until then you can place points into your skills. Since at level 20 and 25 your single option is to place points into the respective talents, it wasn't needed to add the option in the guide builder to select talents at 20 and 25.

Check out other guides to see how it looks like and let me know if you have other questions!
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Steam: hades4you
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by WhosNuker » September 1, 2017 8:01am | Report
Is the raffle different from the Arcana give away stuff? Also, I was wondering how you check for how many comments each person made considering there must be a ton of people commenting for the raffle.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by asdfasdfk » September 1, 2017 9:15am | Report
Feedback? :D


Posts: 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » September 1, 2017 9:19am | Report


Yes, the raffle is given to random users based on the tickets they've earned throughout the contest period and the Arcanas are given out to the best guide writers. We're going to post a list of all the tickets people earned when we announce the winners, we have an automatic system to check how many comments have been posted and everything we need to know. :)



So far it looks nicely written, I would add some more item explanations for situational cases and maybe more color and images to the guide to make it easier to read and look at. Overall, a great start, keep up the good work!
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Steam: hades4you
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » September 1, 2017 1:22pm | Report

Now we've got BUSINESS!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by InnovationDota » September 1, 2017 2:59pm | Report
I'd like feedback on my guide if possible!


Posts: 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by ChiChi » September 1, 2017 3:05pm | Report
Nice contest! Is it possible to participate with an updated guide, that is, if I use a guide that I already have in the website and completely update/modify it?

Credits to Janitsu!

Ammateurs coaching channel iei!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » September 1, 2017 3:09pm | Report

Yes, updating an existing guide also counts as participating.


Great to see a new guide for Treant Protector! Looking good so far, what I would suggest is focusing a bit more on formatting so it looks better and it's easier to read. It would also be cool to see more information on heroes Treant is good and bad against.
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Distinguished (296)
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Steam: hades4you

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