August 10, 2016

Leaving Dota

Views: 5307 Hamstertamer
+Rep Report
Hi guys,

I've got an announcement to make : I'm quitting Dota.

I've decided to stop playing this game for good. The reason for that is very simple : it's way too time-consuming, and I want my free time back because I need it for my real life.

That's really all there is to it.

So no, you won't see me rant about the MMR system (it's mostly fine).
Or buying into the "dotafire going into a bad direction" trend (complaining is useless if you don't do something about it).
Or rant about the bad community in dota.
There's really none of that here. I just came back from holidays, and I decided that I want my free time back, that's it.

Because MOBAs are actually among of the worst in terms of time sucking / addicting video games out there. Maybe even worse than MMOs. Because just like a MMO where you have to spend thousands of hours leveling up a character to get anywhere in the game, in MOBAs you need to spend thousands of hours leveling up an account to get anywhere in the game. And the game is designed like this, there's not much you can do about that - the grind is built in inside the game, and it never really ends. I really had no idea when I got into dota 2, it wasn't like that at all back in dota 1.

By the way, just because I'm leaving the game doesn't mean I'm completely leaving the forum. I'll probably still come here from time to time, although I'll likely be less active than I used to.

Anyways thanks for the people that made this forum a good place to hang out, happy OSFrogs to you all and peace out.