July 15, 2016

Dotafire is going into a bad direction

Views: 3151 michimatsch
Hello dotaforians,
I haven't been that active recently (not that someone would have missed me) because I am currently in Portugal and experiencing the friendly, open-minded portuguese people - well...most of them are.
But even if I wasn't busy visiting Portugal I would probably visit the dotafire forum less than I did in the past if at all.
Because the forum has changed. Don't get me wrong, change can be a good thing:
New faces, new ideas, etc. But it's just not the same anymore.
Dotafire used to be about people discussing in a friendly way, sharing ideas, theorycrafting, sharing their amazing ideas of heroes and lore (looking at you Terathiel).
When I joined dotafire everybody seemed to be acting completly natural, saying what they thought without anyone's feelings being hurt.
But recently there were a lot of discussions going badly, people pointing fingers at people, people were starting arguments where in the past there have been discussions.
We seemed to be no longer able to comprehend the point of view of fellow members, couldn't find common ground.
And now everyone seems to be scared of discussing because they might incite a new text war, because it might cause drawn-out arguments. All around I have seen dotaforians post messages hinting that they would usually write more but that they were afraid of causing discussions.

I don't know what to do about this and in fact I might be the only seeing a problem while the dotafire forum has simply changed in a way I can not understand/like.
I felt however, that it was time to talk about this.
What do you think fellow dotaforians?
Does our beloved forum (and community) have flaws? And if so, what are they?
