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13 Votes

Some Idiot's Guide to Omniknight

July 4, 2015 by Safecyn
Comments: 15    |    Views: 79685    |   

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rizkid1412 | December 1, 2015 8:54pm
can i publish this to steam community? of course it use your name not mine
Webb | October 22, 2015 7:06am
Hi, this is a very good guide. Still has some 6.84 references and probably old meta rationalizations but in general seems like a solid way to start on this Chuck Norris guy.

I never played this guy before until I was "forced" on a captain's mode and it was a stomp. I guess I will play it more.
Bl1tzKri3eg | July 22, 2015 8:28am
A pretty late response I suppose :P, but what is your opinion on Soul Ring jungling Omni? It can help speed up your farm a lil bit, tho it doesn't really build into anything particularly useful.
ChiChi (47) | July 8, 2015 2:28pm
Yesss a pretty guide for the great manly Omni by my favourite two-heads! I needed this.

+1 without reading lol but will do so soon!
Jobroaj (2) | July 5, 2015 9:33am
Safecyn wrote:


Oooh, very well. I suppose I can go into the theory-craft behind the two carry builds. I'll respond to it here in the comments, then add this to the Discussion section in the next update.


This build capitalizes on two things about Omniknight: 1), his ability to grant himself total immunity to everything with a Repel/ Guardian Angel combo, and 2) the ridiculous slow that is Degen Aura. By using your ultimate and Repel, you can activate Mask of Madness and gain all the benefits with none of the downsides, making this a risk-free (ish) way of increasing your DPS.

The other items, Phase Boots, Silver Edge, Sange and Yasha, are for slowing an enemy down to the point where they have ZERO chance of running away from you whatsoever, especially since the maims from SE and S&Y DO stack. Abyssal Blade is for lots of damage and stunning through magic immunity, and Assault Cuirass is for more attack speed and that sweet armor degen to help you hit harder. The proper build-up for those last two items is probably closer to Skull Basher --> Assault Cuirass --> Abyssal Blade, but since I'm not recommending you do this ANYWAY... do whatever you want!

Slow and Painful Carry:

This build focuses less on chasing and DPS and more on tanking and just living long enough to whittle everyone down. Omniknight is already a pretty tanky hero, and these items help him become even more-so. The Radiance is how you'll be doing most of your early game damage, and it's your primary farming tool. It even gives your enemies a miss chance while attack you, to help you live longer. Heart, Shiva's Guard, and Skadi are for tanking you up and slowing your enemies down so they can't run, and Octarine Core is for the cooldown reduction on Repel, Purification, and Guardian Angel. You'l also spell-steal off of your Radiance damage, which is a nice added bonus, though it's not as powerful a heal as it might sound.

Anyways, hope something in this guide works for you! I think it's fairly obvious I'm suggesting the 3/4 role as the build you should try, but if you wanna go carry-Ommni, go for it. I'd do it with friends, though, so that they're more understanding if things go sour.

Oh and, just for the heck of it, here: Safe-lane farming, carry Omniknight.

Thank you very much i can't really give a rating yet because i have to try this and i can't really play dota 2 on weekdays (it's a rule in our house) maybe next week
Safecyn (32) | July 5, 2015 7:54am

Oooh, very well. I suppose I can go into the theory-craft behind the two carry builds. I'll respond to it here in the comments, then add this to the Discussion section in the next update.


This build capitalizes on two things about Omniknight: 1), his ability to grant himself total immunity to everything with a Repel/ Guardian Angel combo, and 2) the ridiculous slow that is Degen Aura. By using your ultimate and Repel, you can activate Mask of Madness and gain all the benefits with none of the downsides, making this a risk-free (ish) way of increasing your DPS.

The other items, Phase Boots, Silver Edge, Sange and Yasha, are for slowing an enemy down to the point where they have ZERO chance of running away from you whatsoever, especially since the maims from SE and S&Y DO stack. Abyssal Blade is for lots of damage and stunning through magic immunity, and Assault Cuirass is for more attack speed and that sweet armor degen to help you hit harder. The proper build-up for those last two items is probably closer to Skull Basher --> Assault Cuirass --> Abyssal Blade, but since I'm not recommending you do this ANYWAY... do whatever you want!

Slow and Painful Carry:

This build focuses less on chasing and DPS and more on tanking and just living long enough to whittle everyone down. Omniknight is already a pretty tanky hero, and these items help him become even more-so. The Radiance is how you'll be doing most of your early game damage, and it's your primary farming tool. It even gives your enemies a miss chance while attack you, to help you live longer. Heart, Shiva's Guard, and Skadi are for tanking you up and slowing your enemies down so they can't run, and Octarine Core is for the cooldown reduction on Repel, Purification, and Guardian Angel. You'l also spell-steal off of your Radiance damage, which is a nice added bonus, though it's not as powerful a heal as it might sound.

Anyways, hope something in this guide works for you! I think it's fairly obvious I'm suggesting the 3/4 role as the build you should try, but if you wanna go carry-Ommni, go for it. I'd do it with friends, though, so that they're more understanding if things go sour.

Oh and, just for the heck of it, here: Safe-lane farming, carry Omniknight.
Jobroaj (2) | July 5, 2015 5:32am
Jobroaj wrote:

Can you please add the carry items pls i just want to see how it works.For now i won't be leaving a rating because first and foremost i don't know or play Omniknight second i'm a noob and third i love to try things out first BEFORE giving them a rating so a possible +1 might come soon.......

And it might come when my new build comes out which is like in july 11 or something yeah somewhere in those lines LOL.......
Jobroaj (2) | July 5, 2015 5:26am
Can you please add the carry items pls i just want to see how it works.For now i won't be leaving a rating because first and foremost i don't know or play Omniknight second i'm a noob and third i love to try things out first BEFORE giving them a rating so a possible +1 might come soon.......
TheSofa (54) | July 4, 2015 4:35pm
Omniknight is the bane of my existence. Why do you teach people to play him? ;_;

Great guide (do I really need to say that?).

Yeah, I think Soul Ring > Ring of Basilius. Because you can heal the HP loss anyway.
Sando (118) | July 4, 2015 10:50am
Maximum points for style Cyn, love your writing.

Few admin points though:

- Yes Soul Ring can be very handy - it's especially good for boosting your farm, and well worth considering over RoB.

- I don't particularly like running Omniknight with a hard carry like AM. It's actually a pretty sucky lane as you're extremely reliant on your #5 to be zoning, you probably can't get any kills, and your mid is going to be very lonely.

- I'd suggest running him with more aggressive heroes like Slark, CK, Tiny etc, or heroes with good lane presence who don't really need much from your bar the occasional heal or save - like Huskar for instance.

- Those crunchy gankers like el Pudgeo and Clockwerk are awesome team mates - they jump on people, you heal them, stuff dies. They can be super aggressive with Repel on.

- Skill build is a little flexible early - you might even first point Repel or Degen Aura in certain situations. I'd actually recommend this on the whole, and go points 2+3 into Purification - it's pretty sucky before level 2. W-Q-Q is probably most legit, but E-Q-Q can be good too if you're going for kills.
michimatsch (26) | July 4, 2015 8:52am
I opened Dotafire on a sad day. And then I saw a new Safecyn guide.
And suddenly I felt a smile on my face
Safecyn (32) | July 4, 2015 7:26am

@Blubbles: Added another section to the alies part about heroes who need to channel ultimates. Should've done that to begin with.

@Unscathed: Good question! It is a pretty good item on Omniknight and can really come in handy if you need a sudden burst of mana, but I've found that lately I haven't... needed it, y'know? Getting Arcanes, Basilius, AND Soul Ring is, in my opinion, going a little overboard on the mana-regeneration side of things, and when I compare Basilius and SR, one builds into a potential Vladmir's Offering and the other builds into Bloodstone. And I'm not really a fan of Bloodstone on Omniknight, I think it's kind of a waste of gold. Maybe that's just me.

It is probably worthy of a mention though, for sure. I'll slot it in there somewhere, and I think I'll post this comment/response as the first 'Discussion' section entry. Shouldn't leave it out just because I don't personally build it.
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