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Alucard Tnuoc

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Forum » Hero & Item Ideas » Alucard Tnuoc 19 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheKraftyOne » July 31, 2012 11:39am | Report
(Q) Tainted Blood

Alucard shoots some of his own life at target unit stealing attack speed and health regen per stack up to a cap

This is an Orb effect and doesn't stack with other orb effects
Attack speed steal: 3%\ 6%\ 9%\ 12%
HP regen steal: 2\ 3\ 4\ 5
Life cost to cast 5% of Current HP
Mana cost to cast: 20 static
Max number of stacks: 1\1\2\3
Stack duration: 15 seconds

Cool down: 3\2\0\0

(W) Vampiric Flight
Alucard Dashes Toward enemy unit slowing it and dealing damage that is returned as hp to Alucard over a duration

Movement slow: 25%\ 30%\ 35%\ 40%
Damage\ HP returned: 75\ 150\ 225\ 300
Cast Range 650\ 700\ 750\ 800
Mana Cost: 75\ 90\ 105\ 120
Cool down: 16\ 13\ 10\ 7
Physical damage spell

(E) Endless Torment
Alucard uses some of his life to send out a wave of blood in front of him to lower the armor of his foes dealing damage as well.

Damage: 100\150\225\275
Armor reduction: 2\ 3\ 4\ 5
HP cost: 10% of current HP
Mana cost: 80\ 100\ 120\ 140
Cone radius\ length: 0-475. Cone then 750 length it gets wider the farther the cast goes
Cool down: 25\ 20\ 15\ 10
Physical damage spell

(R) True Form
Alucard transforms into his true form making him a flying bat. Costing some of his life per second. Increasing his movement max hp and turning him from melee to ranged.

Attack Range: 600 static
Max hp buff : 300\450\600
Movement speed increase: 35\50\65
HP drain per second: 3%\ 2%\ 1% of current
Cast time: 1.2 seconds to change back and forth.
Cool down: Toggle

Ags Upgrade: gives Alucard terrain walking

Str hero
28 + 2.6 str per lvl
18 + 1.3 agi per lvl
19 + 1.8 int per lvl
Attack range: 128
Damage: 52-60
Armor: 2
Base move: 310

Alucard, once just another ordinary fellow from Transilvania, but on a dark and stormy night. A bat flew into his homestead looking for shelter. Alucard had no idea what horrible, inhumane things this bat could do. Just like any other human he caged the bat gave it food and shelter, as well as calling it one of his own. A week or so went by, not long after the bat broke out of its cage and transformed into her human form. Akasha the Queen of pain. She slowly creeped into Alucards bedroom and the rest..... Well let's say it was a bloody ending. Now Alucard one of the seven great vampires that roam this land haunted by the memories of there queen. Seeking only one thirst. Blood......
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » July 31, 2012 11:47am | Report
Pretty cool ideas, but the Aghanim's Scepter upgrade is only terrain walking? why would that be useful? In Flying Bat form he can attack only air units or something?
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheKraftyOne » July 31, 2012 12:58pm | Report
Well terrain walking is great for cutting alot of corners in the map, I was thinking about making it avoid trees as well
Death is not the end only the beginning of something else.

Sometimes madness makes us who we really are.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Alcatraz The Jaywalker » July 31, 2012 8:56pm | Report
Is the terrain walking permanent?

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by xCO2 » July 31, 2012 9:44pm | Report
Good thing I can immediately spot when something should be read backwards. :)

Seems like its skill set is based off a "champ" of another game...Lol.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheKraftyOne » August 1, 2012 6:54am | Report
2 vampire heroes...... Nothing similar beside maybe his w to Vladimir q clad doesn't cause a dash or slow......

Yes the terrain walking is permanent only in that state

People try and make as many similarities between lol heroes and dota, sad cause I know plenty of lol heroes that are copies of dota and hon
Death is not the end only the beginning of something else.

Sometimes madness makes us who we really are.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by xCO2 » August 1, 2012 7:14am | Report
I was just fooling with you, obviously Vlad was what came to mind when you talk about paying HP to cast spells. The terrain walking idea can be immense, but should be limited to like trees [or] cliffs; I think that with full terrain walk it'd be impossible to catch without chain stunning.

Would it be a bat as in something you find in a cave or a bat as in Tiamat from Darksiders?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheKraftyOne » August 1, 2012 7:38am | Report
Sorry, it would be like bat rider bat only black

Just cliffs for now. Maybe tweak it later
Same could be said about spectre but she still has her q and this is an age upgraded ultimate
Death is not the end only the beginning of something else.

Sometimes madness makes us who we really are.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by xCO2 » August 1, 2012 1:31pm | Report
TheKraftyOne wrote:

Sorry, it would be like bat rider bat only black

Just cliffs for now. Maybe tweak it later
Same could be said about spectre but she still has her q and this is an age upgraded ultimate

Sounds good, how would the animation be, would the bat be crawling around until aghanims is picked up?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheKraftyOne » August 1, 2012 8:51pm | Report
yeah and he would spit like black ink blood and stuff
Death is not the end only the beginning of something else.

Sometimes madness makes us who we really are.


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