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15 Votes

Offlane Bambi - ChiChi's way [6.86]

January 28, 2016 by ChiChi
Comments: 33    |    Views: 117199    |   

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Evilcarrot | September 1, 2016 6:22am
Other heroes that she isn't good against include all of those that can easily come in her face

Oh my.
ChiChi (47) | September 1, 2016 8:29am
Aahahahahh Evilcarrot I might just have to change that sentence cause I can't unsee it now, thank you for that XD
Atlas (117) | April 2, 2016 11:04am
I personally have always considered Orchid core on Ench, it just offers so much for her. She has mana issues when she's using her ultimate regularly, the attack speed is awesome, and the extra damage helps anyone. On top of that, when you're fighting enemies that have natural escapes, silencing them is an easy pickoff for Enchantress. This is a personal preference though, really great guide! Do you play Ench roaming/jungle in any situations or do you always prefer her offlane?
ChiChi (47) | April 3, 2016 4:15am
Orchid is indeed a very good item on her, the synergy is just as you described. However, right now I think it's more situational - you need to take into account the timing of it, meaning if you go other items first you miss it, cause you don't want to have it up when the enemy team has it's BKBs up as well. My style nowadays is also not so much the ganker/initiator, which benefits more from it; I've been playing her as the large damage dealer that's also tanky enough to bait them into using spells on her instead of the other cores. But I think what's so special about Enchantress right now is how flexible she is, you can build whatever you need after a certain core (which for me now is Dragon Lance).

Take this game for instance:
I did the Eul's as suggest by Tim to counter the Jugger and he wasted a lot of ultimates in me which might have been very impactful on the game. After that, an AC goes super well for my team, and no one else is in a position to buy it. At the end you look at my build and it's funky to say the least, but its purpose was there and it works. Really a strong hero (both in pubs and competitive).
Sp3ctr3 (4) | April 1, 2016 2:23pm
I was trying new heroes yesterday and new item builds so I decided to give it a try to your Enchantress so I convinced my team to let me get the offlane with Enchantress. I have to say that she is extremely hard to deal with, your pasive makes you almost unkillable unless you are way out of position and NA is just an amazing heal over time. I end the game 18/0/13 so I think it was an excelent game. My build was Force Staff, Rod of Atos, Aghanim's Scepter, Assault Cuirass, Black King Bar, Boots of Travel and a consumed Moon Shard. I didn't build Dragon Lance because I was destroying the enemy team so I made a fast Aghs. I will try Eye of Skadi and Satanic in future games. Greetings!
ChiChi (47) | April 2, 2016 6:50am
Sp3ctr3 wrote:
I was trying new heroes yesterday and new item builds so I decided to give it a try to your Enchantress so I convinced my team to let me get the offlane with Enchantress. I have to say that she is extremely hard to deal with, your pasive makes you almost unkillable unless you are way out of position and NA is just an amazing heal over time. I end the game 18/0/13 so I think it was an excelent game. My build was Force Staff, Rod of Atos, Aghanim's Scepter, Assault Cuirass, Black King Bar, Boots of Travel and a consumed Moon Shard. I didn't build Dragon Lance because I was destroying the enemy team so I made a fast Aghs. I will try Eye of Skadi and Satanic in future games. Greetings!

Nice game, way to go! Since you were having a great time I think you did the right call by going Aghs, and your build looks pretty good. Thanks for sharing! :)
ChiChi (47) | January 31, 2016 11:35am
ManBeaR00 wrote:

Nice guide, what do you think of going enchant at level 1 to kill the camp next to the secret shop and having a creep to help you in lane?

Thanks! I think that's perfectly viable, specially with the adition of the new secret shop camps. It's ultimately a question of style, but if you do it I advice you be more careful until you get at least level 2, because you can't trade hits efficiently yet. Other than that sounds very good!
ManBeaR00 | January 31, 2016 9:29am
Nice guide, what do you think of going enchant at level 1 to kill the camp next to the secret shop and having a creep to help you in lane?
ChiChi (47) | January 28, 2016 6:21am
Finally updated for 6.86! (minor details though) Still missing a section with some videos from high level games with offlane Enchantress, so if anyone has some please share here on the comments, and I will include it.
ChiChi (47) | January 16, 2016 10:51am
Sp3ctr3 wrote:

Yeah Dragon Lance is way more cheaper and it gives the same range amplification than Aghs, also you can dissasemble it to build a Black King Bar or a Butterfly.

I agree. I would very rarely go Butterfly, because it's an item that doesn't sinergyse with her at all, but selling the Quarterstaff doesn't seem like that much of a loss. And Black King Bar will be almost mandatory.
Sp3ctr3 (4) | January 16, 2016 10:34am
Yeah Dragon Lance is way more cheaper and it gives the same range amplification than Aghs, also you can dissasemble it to build a Black King Bar or a Butterfly.
ChiChi (47) | January 15, 2016 4:32pm
"Speaking of notable bans, Enchantress was banned in a total of 38 games in just the Americas, where she has been played 11 times, out of a total of 24 throughout the entire qualifier, almost exclusively as an offlaner." Told ya :D

Now I need to make some time to update this, cause Dragon Lance is the new Aghs!
ChiChi (47) | November 6, 2015 10:06am
Webb wrote:

Hi Chichi, I have been busy but got a chance to finally try this one (although it was one game) it was hilarious to see that WK trying to attack me in slow motion along with the other guys, I was so hard to kill, yeah it was fun.

Now (as I was discussing on another forum thread) I have selected this guide to be the first of many requests to come. So are you planing on adding this one to Steam? If not, can you please? =)

In any case, thanks, will keep trying this one!

You know my answer as to the steam thing, which I'm all for, as for your game: I'm glad you had fun and it worked out :D

I've still been having success with this one, specially when picked against meelee carries that are more susceptible to the slow and when the team already has every other role fulfilled (I still prefer to have her alone in the offlane, not that some duo lanes don't work pretty well cause they do, but the XP boost is too good to pass out).
Webb | November 5, 2015 7:24am
Hi Chichi, I have been busy but got a chance to finally try this one (although it was one game) it was hilarious to see that WK trying to attack me in slow motion along with the other guys, I was so hard to kill, yeah it was fun.

Now (as I was discussing on another forum thread) I have selected this guide to be the first of many requests to come. So are you planing on adding this one to Steam? If not, can you please? =)

In any case, thanks, will keep trying this one!
ChiChi (47) | October 31, 2015 7:22am
Lofy wrote:

1st think to do after Registering 2 Dotafire give this guide +1 it is a good one.
And Instantly won me a game even that i wasn't solo offlane, (i like my low bracket) but i like the concept.

Thanks a lot Lofy! Good luck with your next games :)
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