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17 Votes

Kyotosomo's Ultimate Broodmother Guide (Made By Someone With 250+ Wins As Broodmother)

August 6, 2015 by X_Kyotosomo_X
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ROYANATOR | May 4, 2016 2:44am
Wow, I used to be so bad with Brood now I'm pubstomping like never before thank you!
Dusara217 | October 1, 2015 8:15am
As someone who plays most of his games as Broodmother (and wins 85% of them), using a strategy that is virtually identical to this one, I can say that strategy on this guide definitely works. The only new thing here (for me) was the item build, it is quite unique; I'll need to try it out.

One thing though, wouldn't Vladmir's Offering be a serious boon for Broodmother, as the lifesteal stacks with her ult (I think), plus it makes it so that you don't need to use the ult to gank people early on. That doesn't even take into account how it buffs creeps and Spiderlings to make them last just a little bit longer (that 10 seconds can be the difference between a failed push and reinforcements arriving to keep it going).
Stormcloud1120 | September 17, 2015 5:00am
And now that I have tested it I now call this loadout the unstoppable snowball! Dear god the pushing power you get from this!
Stormcloud1120 | September 16, 2015 7:23am
I am also a Broodmother enthusiast and I find that this guide really helps. I've basically been searching around a lot for a decent Brood builds and this seems to be the best one.
Webb | August 21, 2015 12:49am
I really liked the guide, spiderweb spots are great, WTF section is awesome. It feels like a very informative and complete as well.

Just a few points: There are some formatting errors on some items and heroes (OCD yes). I would like to see perhaps a secondary item build. Also, I would like to see a more complete section of Allies and Enemies maybe including items that counter some of her abilities ( Monkey King Bar, Sentry Ward, Battle Fury, to name a few that may sound logical but not so much for a new player) and last but not least, maybe some videos of competitive players (or yours as well) playing the hero in different scenarios with a little explanation about what happens there from your very well informed perspective.
(You don't have to do all this, it is just my opinion)

Thanks and I hope this helps!
thsscapi (1) | August 10, 2015 1:32pm
Dazzle isn't just a healer to Broodmother. Dazzle makes for an amazing support to many heroes, but is godly with Broodmother.
There are many heroes who can control minions, but few have invisible ones. Lycan and Broodmother comes to mind. You can use Shadow Wave on the spiders while they're surrounding an enemy for huge damage whilst healing them. Spiders being able to go invisible allows it to be used for harass as well, similar to using Ionic Shell on invisible heroes.
Some heroes can heal or lifesteal insane amounts of HP, on the condition that they do not die. Heroes like Huskar, Bloodseeker, Lifestealer and Armlet-carriers are some of them. As you can guess, Shallow Grave on Broodmother can not only save her, but allow her to turn the fight with Insiatable Hunger.
I have to point out though, that having Axe as an enemy not only destroys the spiders, but Culling Blade also counters Shallow Grave.
radicator | August 9, 2015 8:16am
i tried Satanic on her. I laughed my *** off xDDD
gr8 guide btw. u get +1 from me :)
oh and u inspired me to do a guide for nyx, thx for that <3
X_Kyotosomo_X (1) | August 7, 2015 5:20am
I do say in the guide that it isn't neccesary to have it, I actually didn't use it until very late into me playing Brood. I picked it up for the Armor it provides to all the spiderlings but I go back and forth on it. Something I commonly got was the Ring of Aquilla and a Soul Ring. Manta I do have in there and reccomend it already, but not everybody is a Manta fan.
apaz (17) | August 6, 2015 4:32pm
Well, I've literally played two brood games. I do, however, have a good mind for math, and I (sort of) know her strengths and weaknesses.

I think that buying a lot of stats and a Manta Style is the way to go on her, but I'm not in any way an expert, or even at all informed.

That being said, Vladmir's Offering, once you do the math, is kinda ****py. Sure, it builds out of Ring of Basilius and seems like the logical progression, but so does Ring of Aquila. Then, you already have a skill that gives you a ton of lifesteal, and Aquila actually gives almost as much armor, and does so much more efficiently. HP regen isn't a problem because of Spin Web. The only thing that remains is the lifesteal aura on the spiderlings. Since spiderlings only have 18-19 damage, they, since dota rounds down, only steal two HP per attack, and they attack really slow. So, although it's a suggested Item on her, I don't really like it myself.

Later on, she kind of falls off when people just try to blow you up before you can lifesteal anything, and they buy Ghost Scepters, Force Staffs, Black King Bars and Monkey King Bars. They disable you with Scythe of Vyse and Rod of Atos, and they focus you down. If you look, her stat growths are amazing, and she is an AGI hero. So, BKB. BKB is a must. Also, since her stats are already really good, I would get manta with more stat items.

I'm really not qualified to say anything, though.
X_Kyotosomo_X (1) | August 6, 2015 2:13pm
Actually Magnega thank you, Desolator was supposed to be on here I don't know how I freaking missed that.

Caine1232 as for Midas honestly I love that item on so many heroes, and I definitely have put it on Brood many times before. I just think with how short I can get games down to with her, it simply doesn't really become worth the gold invested. Also a lot of people (including me lol) are sometimes forgetful with midas and forget to use the ability when it comes around which is another factor. But people should totally use it if they want, one of the most underrated items in the game IMO. And once again I could have sword I had that item as a situational item. I'll add Midas and Desolater later today after I come back from a long-*** test.
caine1232 (3) | August 6, 2015 9:05am
So it is your guide after all.
I think it's a good guide, however you never mention midas which is amazing on her. You can get SO far ahead of the enemy team (since you can farm their jungle so early on and they lose gold!) and then you just steamroll all of them since you are like 3-6k gold ahead of all their heroes.
Also, she loves the xp. Considering your build, you get 1 point of her passive till lvl 12 which is okay. With midas, you can get to lvl 14 so fast and get that sweet 40% slow. Lvl 3 of her ult is really insane too and you want to get it as early as possible
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