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54 Votes

Autistic Weaver (Updated)

April 24, 2012 by Umnusman
Comments: 41    |    Views: 200838    |   

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Eon_Theory (2) | August 31, 2014 5:35pm
I'd say it's a good guide but every time I see the word "champion" I sigh.
SoloKings.Adrenaline | August 22, 2014 3:46pm
Champion? Nah. Ain't readin dis.
Tenshin78 (1) | February 13, 2013 11:54am
Nice guide, I tried this skill build but went for vangard and linkens and was literally impossible to kill.
SkWatty | January 12, 2013 6:37pm
Played with him on 3 games using this build and won all of them
I carried the game like from early to late
She is a great pusher and ganker 1 vs 1 or 2 as long as you know who you are fighting with.
She is best with a support on your side or a tank doing his job.
Her weakness is if you play like a tankie role not having a babysitter on your side and 200ms and above ping.(The delay lag increases your reflex time when doing her ulti. So play her on an 85 and below ping.)
GJ on the Guide and TY
ClassifiedGamer | January 9, 2013 3:49pm
Very, very helpful guide. +1.

Just randomed weaver and got 23-3-14 and won even though a guy in my team was feeding. Although just like above, i realized that with your guide, weaver has trouble surviving and reegaining health after a fight. Maybe some armor/regen items would be great for mid/late game.

Besides that, great guide! :D
Garzvaar (2) | November 18, 2012 1:01am
I think a Heart of Tarrasque on Weaver makes him much less squishy and a much better hero in general. For example you can Shukuchi in and do some damage to people then run away and heal up with the Heart of Tarrasque Great Guide though +1!
wilddeonpwn (102) | November 12, 2012 8:46pm
Very helpful guide man, very informative and nice context is in this guide.

You pretty much explain everything about how to play him and the item build, which is what a good guide needs! That is the exact item build I go for when playing weaver, even though I rarely played him in DotA, Radiance FTW!

Anyways, extremely helful weaver guide, this definitely deserves to be No.1 Weaver guide!

+1 :)
Umnusman (2) | November 12, 2012 2:50pm
Thanks, glad to be back ;)

Don't know what went wrong, but I'll do my best to be more active, and hopefully get some new guides written in the future.
Atlas (117) | November 12, 2012 2:47pm
Glad to see your return.
Umnusman (2) | November 12, 2012 2:27pm
Wow I've been so inactive here for waaaay to loooooong. You guys have no idea what your feedback mean to me and I'll be sure to be more active, check out all your suggestions tips and reflect on your feedback, and hopefully update the guide some more. I hope you all will stick around and check out the guide once I'm done with the overhaul. I do not know how long this will take so please bear with me, a lot of school is going on atm so I'm busy for the most part (when I'm not playing Dota of course ;) )

Once again thank you for the ones commenting and giving feedback although I've been missing for so long. You guys are what makes me come back and want to make more out of this :D
gol1ath (1) | November 1, 2012 3:26am
Hey, I'm not a pro or anything but I would like to suggest going straight for ethereal after boots rather than radiance. My reasoning is that while radience aoe stacks with weaver's shukuichi and helps him farm quickly, weaver is already a good farmer without radience. By the time you can buy radience, you are already able to farm quick as ****. With ethereal you get the 40 agi plus the strength and intelligence stats, all of which weaver needs. On top of that you get the ability to basically shut down an enemy carry for 3 seconds. If timed correclty you can change the direction of a teamfight. Also as ethereal is cheaper than readience, you can make an impact faster.
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