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Ahah you are right probably, I remember that now. All those centaurs and Chen in the middle of teamfights getting rekted lol I've seen somewhere a Dagon Chen too, maybe it's not from Jim Doto.
Masaaki14, I agree. Check his latest "The sneaky paramedic". An awesome Bounty Hunter support :)
What makes it so fun is that he's good, he knows the hero he's playing with, so somehow he makes it work. (Except for the Dagon Chen. That **** didn't work lol)
This guy is trying to change the fate of Crystal Maiden. Face it Crystal Maiden ! You can hit like Juggernaut even if you have a permanent Double Damage and Bounty Rune Buff ! Kappa
Yea, CM should definitely not be played like this. Any hero with enough farm will be good but its about PRIORITISING farm. For instance, I play a lot of shadow demon and just with force staff and aghs at 40 minutes you can contribute a ****load to the team. Last week I just about killed a farmed PA by playing well and I'm sure if I had more than just 2 items I would of done alot better! Doesn't mean I'm going to start playing SD as a carry though. Same as playing Shadow shamon as a "carry" to push or lion, any hero with enough farm is going to do well but that doesn't make them a carry.
If you are playing CM as even a 3rd position, let alone a carry, that you are putting farm on a hero that dies incredibly easily and therefore wastes the farm. Any other carry with the amount of farm you have will run through you in a second which means that all your farm is pointless and your team is screwed if you are the supposed carry. Its pointless. Why not just play a normal carry? One that doesn't rely on a channelling spell that can easily be shut down as well as needs good positioning to do anything? CM functions worse as carry than any of the others played as such so why bother playing her as such?
Also, she farms slow. If you think you are a carry and are 3 slotted at 40 mins you are in for a rude awakening when the enemy carry comes at you with 5 and you are dead before you can even ult or dead about a second after you cast it. Your team will be creating space for you to farm and you will do so incredibly slowly. Again, why not just pick a proper carry who will do more with the farm as well as get it faster?
That you have won 11 of 14 games means nothing. I won my first 10 with OD and since then I'm sitting below 60%. That's the way normal distributions work and you haven't played nearly enough games with CM for normal distribution to kick in and reduce chance. You could lose your next 4 in a row in which case you've won 11 out of 18 which is hardly convincing and will only get closer to 50% the more games you play.
Sorry, but it's people doing things like this that ruin a lot of games for others. You need to change this from a carry guide to a core/utility guide and emphasize the fact that you need a hard hitter as a proper carry, not CM, and that yoour main goal should be creating space for that carry to farm by ganking. Your item build represents this already so you wouldn't even have to change that. She should not be played anywhere higher up than a 3rd position.
The idea of trying a core CM is nothing new, and is something that has already been very discussed, so I have nothing to add there.
Tbh, however, I don't like this guide, because I think it isn't at all a guide on how to carry with CM. Your first paragraph makes me don't even want to read the rest, because already it presents an unsucceful CM, whether in #5 or in #1 (and I don't think people bothered to actually read you past the point of the title + builds). Everything here makes me think you have little experience with the hero, but tried to write about it because you were succeful in a few low level games. Whereas I think if you want to help people with a guide, you should at least have some more experience with the hero, and wait to see why your understanding develops as you level up.
I will try to be succint:
You buy two Claritys and two Tango, then take a point in Crystal Nova first. The result of this build is you can't farm jungle to get fast levels, you can't stop a gank nor get one. That means you will have to do exactly what you wrote about: "harass" your enemy with a level 1 Crystal Nova and stay well beyong reach, until you're out of mana and retreat to tower. Result = wasting mana for an insignificant harass that will not drive your enemy out of last hits nor experience, while you yourself will be very underleveled and with no gold from last hits at all. That's worse than being a bad support, what to say about being a carry.
You failed to explain in which lane you want your carry Maiden to be, and if you want her to be alone or not. If you want her to carry, she needs to at least to have a lane all to herself, since the most she can profit from it is experience (no way she's gonna farm better in lane that any other hero in the game). Mid or Offlane, then? Well, it depends on the opposite team, and your items should vary accordingly. This is something you should have explained and think about.
You say "Once I get my Freezing Field I normally wait for an enemy to come to my side of the field and engage the enemy first by using Crystal Nova then right after Frostbite. Once you have used Frostbite run closer to the enemy and use your ultimate move. Its tough for even Lina or Lion to escape this and normally allows you to get the kill." This is completly wrong. Following your build, you will have less level than your opponents,so at the time you reach 6 your enemy would be there too, waiting for an opportunity to kill one of the most squishy heroes in the game. More than that: Lina and Lion, really? If you try your combo on them they insta stop you with their disables and proceed to kill you after.
"If you are facing a bounty hunter or riki by some wards before engaging on the enemy, because they could stop your Ult and you could end up dead." = lol there you are dead against the Bounty Hunter, because it doesnt matter if you see him or not, he can just stop you while in Frostbite (you know Frostbite allows the enemy to use his skills right?) and then proceed to kill you too. Even Riki has a chance of escaping, if you don't time things perfectly and if he has some creeps to jump to.
"The main goal is to get an early scepter so you can maximize your Freezing Field to its full potential". Unless, of course, your enemy isn't ******ed and has disables to stop you. So you will be trying to get the money for this expensive item, while not getting any way of channeling your ultimate safely. You will die a lot, lose the money, and still don't profit from your super Aghs ulti.
Your first paragraph ends here. Your carry maiden is underleved, underfarmed, and has Tranquil Boots and Point Booster, which takes her nowhere. And we're not even considering the fact that your enemies will probably gank you.
Some things that would change this: if you jungled in your first levels and ganked, thus getting more XP and farm and being less susceptible to a simple gank in lane; if you didn't stupidly used your ulti on a one on one versus a hero with a disable; if instead of getting Aghanim's Scepter first you would buy a positioning item, like Blink Dagger, Force Staff or Glimmer Cape (which you even have in your top items).
I will not comment after this first paragraph, no need. But your builds have the same problems: Skill Build = You only take Frosbite at level 4, which makes you vulnerable to any attempt on your life until then (even if you sit passively by your tower as you suggest). You only have three points in Frostbite (why?) and two points in Freezing Field (why?) Item build = Lotus Orb and Blade Mail are very situational items, that shouldn't be prioritized over other items that boost your survivability/utility even for a carry. They won't make your survive nor enable you to channel your ulti, they will just make the enemy think twice before targeting your first, and this is useful when you're playing as a support and thus want to be left unnoticed and unharmed, but if you're the carry they will necessary focus you down first, and these won't help you survive.
Also, if you're a core, why not a Rod of Atos, an Orchid Malevolence, some form of evasion, and specially, why not an Octarine Core, the item that all Inteligence Carrys like the most?
The BKB is also essential. Of course Glimmer Cape can substit it in the early, but never in the late, unless, again, your enemies are mentally challenged or level 10 in Dota (because otherwise they will simply use dust and spoil your beautiful Aghanimed and Refreshed two ultis).
I'm sorry if I was too harsh on my criticisms, but as someone who knows this hero well I think you could really do a good work on a carry guide if you have a bit more experience first, so you don't let some obvious errors pass.
He's making this for fun, but he is indeed a very skilled CM, and he made the right choices, from lane to items. Learn with him and try more options, so you can find your own carry CM.
I honestly find this to be impractical. Crystal Maiden simply lacks the necessary skill set to fill the role you are attempting to fit her into, and there really is no reason that she should need to be able to do so. I suggest you attempt a Position 3 build if you really must play Crystal Maiden in a less supportive capacity, but even so, she if far more effective in almost all circumstances when played as a Position 4 or 5. Playing a Position 1 or even 2 as a hero almost entirely designed with a supporting capacity in mind is completely illogical, and does not even function as a fun build for messing around in public matches. This is just my opinion, of course, but I think you will find that many share it, which would account for the fact that Crystal Maiden is never built as even a Position 3 at any even mildly competitive level.
I'm sorry. I can't stand this. Glimmer and BKB (Pick one). Get a Blink Dagger or you can't get in there with your pathetic MS. No Euls to amp your Arcane Aura and MS, so mot a whole lotta mana or movement.
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I thought it was the centaur permastun chen that didn't work
What makes it so fun is that he's good, he knows the hero he's playing with, so somehow he makes it work. (Except for the Dagon
If you are playing CM as even a 3rd position, let alone a carry, that you are putting farm on a hero that dies incredibly easily and therefore wastes the farm. Any other carry with the amount of farm you have will run through you in a second which means that all your farm is pointless and your team is screwed if you are the supposed carry. Its pointless. Why not just play a normal carry? One that doesn't rely on a channelling spell that can easily be shut down as well as needs good positioning to do anything? CM functions worse as carry than any of the others played as such so why bother playing her as such?
Also, she farms slow. If you think you are a carry and are 3 slotted at 40 mins you are in for a rude awakening when the enemy carry comes at you with 5 and you are dead before you can even ult or dead about a second after you cast it. Your team will be creating space for you to farm and you will do so incredibly slowly. Again, why not just pick a proper carry who will do more with the farm as well as get it faster?
That you have won 11 of 14 games means nothing. I won my first 10 with OD and since then I'm sitting below 60%. That's the way normal distributions work and you haven't played nearly enough games with CM for normal distribution to kick in and reduce chance. You could lose your next 4 in a row in which case you've won 11 out of 18 which is hardly convincing and will only get closer to 50% the more games you play.
Sorry, but it's people doing things like this that ruin a lot of games for others. You need to change this from a carry guide to a core/utility guide and emphasize the fact that you need a hard hitter as a proper carry, not CM, and that yoour main goal should be creating space for that carry to farm by ganking. Your item build represents this already so you wouldn't even have to change that. She should not be played anywhere higher up than a 3rd position.
Tbh, however, I don't like this guide, because I think it isn't at all a guide on how to carry with CM. Your first paragraph makes me don't even want to read the rest, because already it presents an unsucceful CM, whether in #5 or in #1 (and I don't think people bothered to actually read you past the point of the title + builds). Everything here makes me think you have little experience with the hero, but tried to write about it because you were succeful in a few low level games. Whereas I think if you want to help people with a guide, you should at least have some more experience with the hero, and wait to see why your understanding develops as you level up.
I will try to be succint:
"If you are facing a bounty hunter or riki by some wards before engaging on the enemy, because they could stop your Ult and you could end up dead." = lol there you are dead against the
Some things that would change this: if you jungled in your first levels and ganked, thus getting more XP and farm and being less susceptible to a simple gank in lane; if you didn't stupidly used your ulti on a one on one versus a hero with a disable; if instead of getting
I will not comment after this first paragraph, no need. But your builds have the same problems:
Skill Build = You only take Frosbite at level 4, which makes you vulnerable to any attempt on your life until then (even if you sit passively by your tower as you suggest). You only have three points in
Item build =
Also, if you're a core, why not a
The BKB is also essential. Of course
I'm sorry if I was too harsh on my criticisms, but as someone who knows this hero well I think you could really do a good work on a carry guide if you have a bit more experience first, so you don't let some obvious errors pass.
For a true carry maiden, see Jim Doto:
He's making this for fun, but he is indeed a very skilled CM, and he made the right choices, from lane to items. Learn with him and try more options, so you can find your own carry CM.
First thing, without even reading, is that BKB should be core, so that her ult can't get disrupted.