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Discussed Hero guide: Zeus Hero guide: Zeus
By Triumph117 Jan 16, 2012
Video Views 5409 Video Comments 1
Votes: 0
Spirit Breaker Guide by Dach&Max Spirit Breaker Guide by Dach&Max
By DachEtMax Jan 14, 2012
Video Views 5642 Video Comments 0
Votes: 0
DOTA 2(BETA) - Video of Fail 2 (Official Title Now) DOTA 2(BETA) - Video of Fail 2 (Official Title Now)
By Nubtrain Jan 5, 2012
Video Views 2935 Video Comments 0
Votes: 0 NADL daily cast #2 NADL daily cast #2
By Triumph117 Jan 3, 2012
Video Views 7185 Video Comments 0
Votes: 0
DOTA 2(BETA) - Video of Fail DOTA 2(BETA) - Video of Fail
By Nubtrain Dec 27, 2011
Video Views 4168 Video Comments 1
Votes: 0
Key differences between DotA 1 & DotA 2 Key differences between DotA 1 & DotA 2
By DamonPrinc3 Dec 24, 2011
Video Views 4526 Video Comments 0
Votes: 0
Crystal Maiden Guide By Dach&Max Crystal Maiden Guide By Dach&Max
By DachEtMax Dec 22, 2011
Video Views 5277 Video Comments 0
Votes: 0 Hero guide: Night Stalker Hero guide: Night Stalker
By Triumph117 Dec 21, 2011
Video Views 5359 Video Comments 1
Votes: 0
Tinker Guide by Dach&Max Tinker Guide by Dach&Max
By DachEtMax Dec 17, 2011
Video Views 5482 Video Comments 0
Votes: 0
Skeleton King Guide by Dach&Max Skeleton King Guide by Dach&Max
By DachEtMax Dec 16, 2011
Video Views 5223 Video Comments 0
Votes: 0
Doom Bringer Guide by Dach&Max Doom Bringer Guide by Dach&Max
By DachEtMax Dec 16, 2011
Video Views 5226 Video Comments 0
Votes: 0
Death Prophet Guide by Dach&Max Death Prophet Guide by Dach&Max
By DachEtMax Dec 10, 2011
Video Views 5682 Video Comments 2
Votes: 0
Slardar Guide By Dach&Max Slardar Guide By Dach&Max
By DachEtMax Dec 10, 2011
Video Views 5096 Video Comments 0
Votes: 0 Hero guide: Sand King Hero guide: Sand King
By Triumph117 Nov 28, 2011
Video Views 6517 Video Comments 4
Votes: 0
DOTA 2, Sniper - Death from out of visibility range, HD, Part 1 DOTA 2, Sniper - Death from out of visibility range, HD, Part 1
By DEWO Nov 27, 2011
Video Views 5002 Video Comments 0
Votes: 0
A short movie about Dota 2 A short movie about Dota 2
By flashspyro3 Nov 25, 2011
Video Views 3098 Video Comments 4
Votes: 0
The Worst Player Ever, playing with Obsidian Destroyer DotA The Worst Player Ever, playing with Obsidian Destroyer DotA
By flashspyro3 Nov 23, 2011
Video Views 3425 Video Comments 1
Votes: 0
More Riki! More Riki!
By Sarcy Nov 21, 2011
Video Views 3238 Video Comments 3
Votes: 0
Rikimaru Gameplay (Updated) Rikimaru Gameplay (Updated)
By Sarcy Nov 21, 2011
Video Views 3779 Video Comments 5
Votes: 0 Hero guide: Darkseer Hero guide: Darkseer
By Triumph117 Nov 20, 2011
Video Views 5531 Video Comments 4
Votes: 0

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