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Buy wards whenever appropriate, and only buy 3 clarities early game. don't waste too much of your gold on them, as Dazzle is more gold dependent than most supports. Your goal is to get AB, and UoS as soon as possible, then use your poison touch to help the carry get a few early kills for the gold, XP, and Urn charges, Make sure you always have an Urn charge ready to go. next, get Mekanism. That aura is amazing, and it builds into Guardian Greaves. as soon as you have Mekanism make sure you'rein a group of at least 3 at all times. your aura, Q, and Ult will keep that team alive. Your goal is to keep everyone as not dead as possible, so rely on your heals, armor, and maybe your W. In all honesty, if the game is going well you will almost never need to use Shallow Grave. start as many team fights as often as you can, using Ult just a little bit before they begin. You will be a tremendous asset to the team, but only if they stick together. So by 25 minutes your team should should always be together. ALWAYS. Unless they're playing Techies. Then they can just go die in a fire. Aghs is only if you have that kind of money to through around, but honestly the gold would be better spent buying a team mate something.
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