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122 Votes

Zeus: Making Sure Your Enemies Can't Run From Heaven

July 18, 2012 by Larry The Amphibious Shar
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Cheese Ausar (1) | December 31, 2015 8:22pm
please don't rush aghs + refresher
please just don't do it >.<
Hyouka | November 28, 2014 11:06am
In theory, Zeus should end a good game for him at something like 10/4/30. Using your first Ulti at the beginning of the teamfight rather than picking off stragglers while in range of Static Field should net you millions of assist gold.
Prsgit | November 11, 2014 8:52am
Thank you for this guide, I'm quite new to the game, and wrecked the **** out of enemy team thanks to that page :)
Cactimaster | September 21, 2014 12:32am
I agree, excellent guide... Getting closer to mastering Zeus everyday.
Cactimaster | September 21, 2014 12:32am
I agree, excellent guide... Getting closer to mastering Zeus everyday.
Caesar Sushi | June 27, 2014 3:18am
this is a very good guide and u sad something that almost every other guide forger...HIS MUSTACHE
nick2901 | March 21, 2014 9:40pm
Im a new player and when i played him the first time with this guide i went 14-5-16 and me and my premade duo carried the game.
At the beginning someone told me to Ult ... Tripple Kill :D
Skerren | October 25, 2013 3:16pm
Really nice guide dude, It really helps! I love the 'OH JESUS BLINK DAGGER URSA" category label :)
Dewskerz | October 12, 2013 5:36pm
I just went 22/2/18 with this build. By midgame the enemy team was swearing each other out in broken English and I was constantly seeing "report clockwerk" and "report lina." Good guide, had me chuckling the whole game.
PepeuSlayer | June 5, 2013 7:38am
EVERYONE in my team disconnected, I was alone, with Aghamin's Scepter and a Refresher Orb and I made my best score ever: 58/2!!!!!!!11
Gaffers | April 4, 2013 3:15pm
Going to have to disagree here, you already have 2 ridiculously short CD spells that can easily do more damage than dagon. I'd much rather put my money into a mobility item and get another cycle of spells off than do a flat 400. Furthermore items won't proc static so you're already wasting potential damage and on top of that dagon is like what? 2800? Much better off getting another item

Since they didn't stop Drow coming out of shadows and killing you from afar, Dagon can slaughter her really well. If your ulti is on cooldown, and she pops out, by the time you cast your spells, she will be on 100 health but she will have killed you. Even arc lightning was on cooldown and I died about 5 times from her doing that. Dagon would really help in life or death situations where you are pushing mid-late game solo.
Gaffers | April 4, 2013 3:09pm
The first time I ever played Zeus, I got 24/3/13. Brilliant guide and very well written. I was always looking around the map for heroes my allies were chasing, and then stole them with thundergods wrath. Rushing Aghanims is as good as refresher orb because it's 400 damage each way. So I rushed Aghanims, then Refresher orb, and spoiled every attempt they made to destroy our mid towers. My name was always on the top of the screen and all thanks to you, Larry.
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