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5 Votes

Zeus In Depth Guide

October 9, 2015 by Divine Wrath
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R-Conqueror (24) | November 12, 2014 1:50pm
I really do admire the creative thinking and out of the box ideas you have in this guide. However, I personally just don't enjoy builds that essentially try to make heroes into different heroes, if that makes sense. In order to help you stay away from flaming, I would just delete the Yasha. I understand that you're saying it is a really situational pickup, but really any item can be a "really situational pickup" so I say just don't put it in at all and focus on your Eul's/Force Staff idea.
famasofwar (4) | November 12, 2014 1:32pm
Divine Wrath wrote:

Yet you are wrong again and not willing to understand a thing.

You can go Boots of Travel, but for Zeus that will be in late game, and that's really usefull only if your team is pushing the enemy base and your towers are also down. If you are beeing pushed and locked in base is wasted cash. If towers are up is also wasted cash.

If you went for Eul, Drum and boots, I am not sure how this first 3 items gives you even the smallest idea to get Shiva. You will be squishy as hell from any type of damage and that with 10k gold spent into the game. Rod of Atos is a good item to use either for 1v1 ganking or in lane 2v2, not in 5v5 teamfights.

Also try see a build as for an entire game, not only for lane phases.

And I will say one last time for you, after this you can spam your wall text as much as you want. I already stated myself the build is unusual, made a fair description of the items and is a 6th build, not the main and only build of the guide.

Your whole entire reasoning for the items is just silly and misleading. You state that it will help you against enemies like spirit breaker or blood seeker but you could more easily just use a ghost scepter against them. You do not need phase boots and it will be determinantal to your team if you are building items with little to no benefit. With all of these items stated you are just ruining the point of getting any gold at all. Honestly if you want to survive longer, forget your move speed altogether, a shiva, rod of atos, ghost scepter, pipe of insight, or even bkb makes more sense for ALL of the heroes you stated.
jamesShajam (5) | November 12, 2014 1:06pm
^I'd delete that post, it contributes absolutely nothing to these posts and will likely stir it.

I'd say phase is interesting, but ultimately BoTs are more useful but I can see if some situations phase won't be a bad idea (tombstone zombies, good players bodyblocking). +1.

P.S. Please remove Battlefury, It's not good on zeus. Damage is wasted on him as he isn't really a rightclicker and if you need mana there are better options (bloodstone, Linkens, hex)
Eightfold (9) | November 12, 2014 12:35pm
Oh. Shots have been fired.
famasofwar (4) | November 12, 2014 11:09am
I'm sorry but Phase Boots really is just a silly item to get on zeus. It doesn't really matter which hero you are going against, there is simply no reason to get phase boots when Eul's is all the movement speed you need. If you are going phase or yasha, even if you think you need the movespeed, it is just silly. You could have gotten so much better items during that time. Drum? Im okay with that. It helps the team, makes you less, squishy, and gives your slow speed a boost to a more normal one. But really, arc boots into BoT is all you are going to need. That extra phase boost from the boots isn't going to be an insane help, since you already have a mini-stun and the lanes you are supposedly ganking should have a slow or a stun with it. You don't benefit from the right click damage at all. And with Yasha there is no reason to get that a sixth slot item, there are SO many better items to get. Instead of trying to chase people down, why not just get shiva to slow them? Or a rod of Atos? Both of which you will benefit greatly from.
Divine Wrath (2) | November 12, 2014 10:08am
Now that you put it that way I think you are right lampmaster, modified title
lampmaster | November 12, 2014 9:18am
Interesting guide. Some of your builds are a little different, but props for creativity. I will say that the title of this guide is slightly misleading. I expected to get a guide focusing exclusively on Zeus's ultimate, Thundergod's Wrath, but instead received an ultimate guide for Zeus. but maybe that's just me, lol.
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