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16 Votes

Zeus - Dominate Mid, Ultimate Ganker.

December 1, 2011 by Oriphim
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InvaderZi | February 15, 2013 4:02pm
Nice guide you made, but, the bottle explained a little more could avoid this angry people flaming this guide... I think that bottle at the start is great since Zeus dont have a big mana pool and harass Zeus at the start is very common, but, should be bought only if:
your team has a chicken (retreating from your lane everytime just for buy a simple item will make you losse gold from lh and exp) and someone bought wards to cover runes (if you lost a rune you will be useless for 2 minutes... And in the early game this is hell) ok this is my thoughts +1
Doodooman123 | October 24, 2012 6:45am
Bottle start... Wow. You need branches as your starting items no matter what and you should also buy the chick. After a couple CS, you can buy your bottle. The only beginning items that I can think of which is worse than buying a bottle are buying boots and buying a teleport scroll to teleport to mid at the beginning of the game.
For 53 gold (iron wood branches) you get one of all stats! Three branches at the start of the game will bring your already-minimal stats higher- enough to shrug off harass and defend yourself. I'm dissatisfied with this guide for the bottle suggestion but otherwise I think it was brilliantly written and here's a cookie, OP. :-)
xCO2 (72) | July 12, 2012 8:31am
Guide works fine, but a note on the bottle...I'll agree with you, generally you wouldn't want it at the start, but Zues needs the early rune control. I would also put a item line-up for randoming, in which case a bottle is the best starting item. All these people QQing over the bottle obviously are not very good with Zues and don't understand proper lane control, I wouldn't be surprised if they lost their lane every single game with this Hero.
Khachiilo | June 4, 2012 2:16pm
Mistake with the 4th skill.repeated 4 times....
King | May 15, 2012 4:10pm
Larry The Amphibious Shar (4) | April 20, 2012 6:27pm
Hey dont think you noticed it, but you got 4 points into the ult. just an FYI.
Mullins | April 13, 2012 2:45am
Very useful, personally I started w/o a bottle and just boosted STR for extra HP.
booshes (1) | March 15, 2012 10:35am
It's all a matter of personal preference, I used Zeus Mid with a bottle last match and I completely RAPED the enemy team. Last hitting as Zeus is hard anyway because of his god-awful (no pun intended) auto-attack animation. I found myself using arc lightning to last hit, using bottle to fill up, then grabbing a rune, using the rune, and etc.cetera.

But if that doesn't sway your view, try this on for size.
Nuff said?
silverdragon97 | January 17, 2012 9:22am
bottles refill when capture runes so it provide mana for zeus to spam arc for last hits(since i lvl up arc at lvl 1) and u can use the runes for ganks
Aeneas#161783 (4) | January 5, 2012 12:39pm
I would say if your character has a speed boost of somesort starting with a bottle mid is worth it because you have a higher chance of getting the runes. Otherwise it is slightly risky.
DirtySince90 | December 17, 2011 3:58pm
All I have to say is that posting score screens to validate your guide is immature as well as a logical fallacy.
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