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Zerman Guides

October 12, 2012 by Zerman
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NotSureIf (16) | October 26, 2012 2:14am
This is quite the eyesore. By leaving Shadowraze out of the build completely you're sacrificing a large proportion of your damage output. 900 damage could easily cut down squishy heroes such as Crystal Maiden, sorry but I can't agree with this. -1
Numeta (27) | October 26, 2012 1:56am
You're in the lowbracket
Zerman | October 26, 2012 1:41am
Magnus, good point :) I have also play with lifesteal and assault cuiras :> When i do lifesteal i probably do phase boots and left shadow blade.
Magnus The Red | October 24, 2012 4:16am
I agree with the skill build, as this is how I have always played Shadowfiend. However, I do disagree with the starter and late game items. I start my game with a tango, health pot, and what I cannot buy at a sideshop for early Aquila ring.

Late game is really where I start to disagree though. The boots and daed are fine, and the shadowblade is more circumstantial. I try to get some early lifesteal to make farming easier, followed by a hyperstone which leads to my mjollnir. After that, and eye of skadi easily outdoes the Desolator in a heartbeat, not to mention it makes you a little buffer so you dont die two seconds into the team fight. Assault curi*** (If the game lasts that long), also replaces the desolator as it stacks with your aura for a total of -11 armor.
Aerth | October 20, 2012 11:14am
Actually you changed my mind about raze... however i think it's not overrated. Shadow Fiend is for me a ganker hero and aoe carry, but now i know i can use this build as a farm oriented SF or hard carry, and i know i can raze to farm but with this you can kill towers and farm like an Ezalor. That's my opinion about this build :3
Zerman | October 14, 2012 3:48am
Wulfstan (77) | October 13, 2012 5:29am
Zerman wrote:

1. You get earlygame better single dmg (because of -5 armor is like -26% dmg amplifier).
2. You can dodge raze.
3. When you are casting raze, you would attack about 1,5x in same time.
4. If you say about invisible guys.. Usually when ppl go invisibe, there is about 1-3sec fading time and that time is enough to kill that bastard by attack.
5. Sorry, I dont rly mean that raze suck but this is just differend style of play nevermore.

There is nothing different.You just suck at landing Shadowrazes.You can't kill anyone with that piee of **** build,especially mid.
Zerman | October 13, 2012 1:59am
1. You get earlygame better single dmg (because of -5 armor is like -26% dmg amplifier).
2. You can dodge raze.
3. When you are casting raze, you would attack about 1,5x in same time.
4. If you say about invisible guys.. Usually when ppl go invisibe, there is about 1-3sec fading time and that time is enough to kill that bastard by attack.
5. Sorry, I dont rly mean that raze suck but this is just differend style of play nevermore.
SuperNova (16) | October 13, 2012 12:18am
one question; why are you here? you knew that you would be mercilessly flamed for this pile of **** yet you still published it? why? is there a reason?
hubey | October 12, 2012 3:49pm
So your opinion is that Shadowrazes suck. You don't explain it. Great. Keep it to yourself.
But can you please not write a "guide" when you don't explain why your ****ty playstyle makes any ****ing sense to you? Thanks.
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