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3 Votes

Zed's Lina Dps All round build

April 12, 2012 by Zed5d3ad
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Cooking with gas My all rounder lina build - Please vote :)

DotA2 Hero: Lina

Hero Skills

Combustion (Innate)

Dragon Slave

2 3 5 7

Light Strike Array

1 10 12 14

Fiery Soul

4 8 9 13

Laguna Blade

6 11 16


15 17 18

Zed's Lina Dps All round build

April 12, 2012


This is my Guide to playing Lina the Fire caster that leaves people hot under the collar if not totally burnt to a crisp! I will be explaining a basic over view of why i chose the kinds of items to build on lina and why i believe this is one of the best ways to build her up in game. I hope it helps :)

Team Work

In a team fight lina is very useful for piling on auto attack damage in the background as well as making it tricky for people to escape so easily, With an area stun and an area nuke along with a single target high damage nuke she is not to be messed with.

Pair with a hero that will benefit linas skills, any hero that can hold an enemy down for a second or so is ideal, this will give you time to land a perfect stun and a perfect nuke. Heroes i find to work exceptionally well are Lion, sven, and necromancer.

early game

when you are in the lane with a partner you need to work together, time your stuns and make sure you dont overlap too much, try your best to have enough time between your stun and theirs so you can get a fair deal of auto attacks in their, her third skill is one of her best.

mid game

As ganks will be going on and roaming begins this is where you can really make a difference, her ultimate spell really hits hard, and timing it right against the right foe can make the ganker the ganked.

late game

in late game i like to sit myself close to a hero i know can lock a player down, as long as lina can let off her abilities there is sure to be some death to follow, i like to sit back and use the blink dagger to dive in when i feel its safe to get a fast combination off. using the silencer staff really comes in hands against every hero. even if your team set up lacks stuns to lock heroes like anti-mage down the 5 second silence proves to be essential as the anti mage will not be able to blink to safety. landing a stun right in the mixer of the fight will give your team chance to step it up and take full advantage.

Pros / Cons

Great for against most heroes with little maneuverability, The slower your target is the more auto attacks you will land.

great working with another stun or slow hero, sven, lich, venomancer, morph

Building lina this was really counts if you're playing as a team, having the 5 seconds of silence can really turn a fight very nice auto attack damage.

Because lina's spells have a slight cast time 0.5 seconds for the stun for example, it makes her a tricky hero to escape, landing a stun might not be as easy as you think once put under pressure by a pair of gankers. This is why most players like to purchase the Blink dagger.

Very vulnerable without the right items in a correct team set up. lina really pairs well with another hero who can lock down somebody in the middle of a fight, this gives lina time to compose her spells and get the most burst she can, unfortunately if you find yourself in a tough lane without an ideal partner you could be looking at allot of enemies merely running away from you.


The items i recommend are those i think work best with lina. Plenty of nuke and plenty of damage. for starting items i usually take a look at the opposing team, for example if i was going to be in a lane and i knew i would be against two melee heroes i would choose the talismans over the bracers because i would expect not to take as many hits as i would against another ranged hero or combination.

Its really a personal choice to you, the bracers are great and make you feel like you can take on anyone once you take your ultimate but the talismans let you hold back in lane and gives you the ability to use off a few more spells to ware down your enemy.

The blink dagger i see more of a vital none vital depending on farm, if the farm is good it is a great item. Many times a blink can save you or get you out of a tight spot, but its not going to affect your damage output statistically so if you feel like your main issue is damage i would suggest missing out this time.

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