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Zapping with Zeus - God of Olympus

March 9, 2012 by Shiryu
Comments: 6    |    Views: 25230    |   

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Smayonnaise (2) | March 8, 2012 2:42pm
Personally i think you should go for a force staff after arcane boots as normally zeus has no escape mechanisms and can be ganked easily. Other than that, nice guide.
Shiryu | March 7, 2012 4:58pm
Allright, added a second build but since I haven't tested it out in a few games, I'll add it more later on.

Thanks for the tips/comments all. ^^
Atlas (117) | March 7, 2012 4:39pm
Either items that allow you to stay in the fight longer, or sheepstick. Orchid is alright too. If you are getting focused down before you can get multiple spell rotations out, BKB is perfectly fine to get. Bloodstone can be a really nice general item that will give you virtually unlimited spam and nice health boosts.
League of Legends player (1) | March 7, 2012 3:53pm
Aww, Atlas, you comment on everyone's guide except mine, don't you, I'm jealuos bro :(

Also, you could get Scythe of Vyse or Orchid Malevolence they're both really good items, and the hex/silence will help in fights by quite a bit.
Shiryu | March 7, 2012 3:42pm
Atlas wrote:

Okay guide. Level 1 Arc Lightning is usually better to get than getting lightning bolt first. As well, you didnt mention banking with Zeus, which if you go mid with bottle, you SHOULD gank.

Refresher Orb/Aghas Scepter isn't that great for Zeus. Sure, your ulti will do more damage with Aghas, but that isn't even necessary to be honest. And refresher orb is spending entirely too much money for just your ulti, in my opinion. If you are doing really well it can be an option, but other items can make you more useful.

Hm, which items would you recommend then? I have only been playing 30~ games and a friend of mine recommended this. I agree that I'm really focusing on his ult, but in the end most of my games it's the ultimate doing the damage most of the time (while bolt and arc are still good).

In any case, thanks for the comment! :)
Atlas (117) | March 7, 2012 2:55pm
Okay guide. Level 1 Arc Lightning is usually better to get than getting lightning bolt first. As well, you didnt mention banking with Zeus, which if you go mid with bottle, you SHOULD gank.

Refresher Orb/Aghas Scepter isn't that great for Zeus. Sure, your ulti will do more damage with Aghas, but that isn't even necessary to be honest. And refresher orb is spending entirely too much money for just your ulti, in my opinion. If you are doing really well it can be an option, but other items can make you more useful.
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