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Never gonna forget that inhouse
Dagon is very fine with maledict.
But Green>Orange anyday ^^
Edit: on topic: **** aghanims, rush BKB always.
Also, please don't do this:
As I expected no you didn't, most of you are flaming the idea of WD mid without even trying it.We aren't flaming, we are disagreeing. Fine, ignore it Damn boy,what are you, like 5?, nobody believed into panda mid, lycan (before VG used him), even Axe was ignored for a while. DoTA is an evolving game.Deal with it.WD mid is not mainstream right now is it? was it ever mainstream?nope.Do i think it will ever be mainstream?nope.This is my opinion and you may or may not agree with it.. I'm just gonna leave it there and come back one day, finding out I was right.
You said that people didnt use brewmaster before.Correct, but why? why was there this sudden flood of panda players? because of this.(patch number 6.79)
please get your facts right.hero pick change does not happen because of the lulz.there is always a reason.
As I expected, most of you are flaming the idea of WD mid without even trying it. Fine, ignore it, nobody believed into panda mid, lycan (before VG used him), even Axe was ignored for a while. I'm just gonna leave it there and come back one day, finding out I was right.
It's not called flaming, it's commenting. Well, they are buncha rude guys (no un-reperino plz) but they are speaking the truth
I played him on mid twice, and it's pretty good, but that works when i fought against SQUISHY HEROES STRAT.
Well, just take their comments positively. Even i got badmouthed in the past XD
Meh. He just drafted well for this hero - there where always heroes who drew attention from him so we couldn't disrupt his ulti + his positioning was nearly perfect.
The ability to kill most mids from level 3 onwards and availability of early Aghs and Blink is really strong tho. Next time I will pick OD against you ****er.
+1 for teh game and for the guide.
when the line up requires him levelled. but yea he is very strong midlaner since once he hits level 6 he can solo kill anyone badly positioned.
better as a support but.