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73 Votes

Yurnero - The Unstoppable Juggernaut Guide

July 23, 2016 by Nubtrain
Comments: 39    |    Views: 700235    |   

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Ghost_Predator | September 8, 2016 5:56am
Can i make a guide on steam for this or is there already one?
Please let me know.
Puffnoocy | April 24, 2016 7:37am
Great guide! Fun to read, well-explained! Thank you very much for improving my playstyle :D
Eiermann | March 30, 2016 5:26am
blink dagger can be very effective for positioning and if you get caught with pants down, you can omnislash and blink away if you need to, or continue the omnislash from 1 target to another further away target. its also insanely good in early teamfights, because it allows you to bladefury next to the enemy supports if you get the jump on them.
Tirolone | September 13, 2015 11:07am
wow! speechless... u wrecked the house!!!

wp wp! perfect guide +1
famasofwar (4) | March 15, 2015 6:52am
No blink build?!
KoDyAbAbA (65) | March 9, 2015 11:37pm
The author is updating another guide right now (check sf guide), i guess he will update this one next =D
Eon_Theory (2) | March 9, 2015 11:29pm
Diffusal is no longer an orb :D
Also consider adding Mask of Madness? It's considered fairly core right now due to Omnislash mechanics and Crits.
Fatt Catt (1) | January 30, 2015 10:23pm
Hi man great great guide.
Voted up for it and really liked the attspeed - slash image.
Used it on my guide here :
but mentioned both your named and linked your guide here and wanted to know if it's ok with you man.
tnx again.
Unscathed (47) | January 17, 2015 6:04am
Update for MoM build?
Cataclysm2146 (3) | January 10, 2015 8:40pm
Can you add something about the Healing Ward first one point in spin with Mask of Madness build? It's quite popular.
ShoutyShout13 (2) | January 1, 2015 12:46am
I feel disappointed with this guide...


I absolutely love the formatting, especially with the poses you somehow did. It was very clear and very neat. I don't have anything to say with the builds other than that they provide a versatile way to play with Jug.

As usual, brilliant guide. +1
[deleted] (1) | December 27, 2014 4:27pm
This is an excellent Juggernaut guide.
But I do a an item that is rather looked down upon on Yurneno. Mask of Madness. While it makes the squishy Juggernaut even squisher, it's a good item pick-up for an even more aggressive build. Combined with Phase Boots, it makes Juggernaut a formidable foe.

For full effectiveness, using Mask of Madness, then Phase Boots gives him a huge movement boost very cheaply. It allows him to initiate quicker and escape quicker under Blade Fury. I normally rush Aghanim's Scepter since I love to use Omnislash.

With this build, I was met with an enemy Sniper. Now, with a Sniper, you either want to be far away as possible so you're not under this line of fire or close up in his dwarf face. I fired up my Mask and Phase and bum-rushed the little runt. My Omnislash was on cooldown. However within seconds, the Sniper lit up like tinder and I bashed his face in.

Other than that. +1
You've done a great job on this build.
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