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Your Life is Mine Now

February 24, 2015 by DoubleR2013
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armc3j (3) | March 1, 2015 8:28pm
Just a quick suggestion- you might want to add a rundown on jungling camps... I know there's guides that cover them, but it never hurts? Also, a friends and foes matchups is always nice
Thane Krios | March 1, 2015 11:30am
FleetAU wrote:

you would never basically never build a battle-fury on pl, if your up against a PL your going to want to
a) hope your team has some AOE
b) buy Mjollnir, its deals magical damage which means it ignores PL's high armour level from his agi gain and items, it benefits you much more in terms of stats/attack speed and ****

and midas isn't very good on lifestealer, you have almost no ability to contribute to the game until 20 min or so, maelstrom on the other hand builds into your extension item, accelerates farm and offers good stats for you.

Midas is good item, but i have to check your idea of mealstorm first. You could be right. I love lifeastealer, he is very situational hero to pick and can make wonders if played properly.
FleetAU (16) | February 25, 2015 10:33pm
you would never basically never build a battle-fury on pl, if your up against a PL your going to want to
a) hope your team has some AOE
b) buy Mjollnir, its deals magical damage which means it ignores PL's high armour level from his agi gain and items, it benefits you much more in terms of stats/attack speed and ****

and midas isn't very good on lifestealer, you have almost no ability to contribute to the game until 20 min or so, maelstrom on the other hand builds into your extension item, accelerates farm and offers good stats for you.
DoubleR2013 | February 25, 2015 5:56am
Thanks! I think I'll definitely try to adda friends and foes sort of section to it at some point in time to help with when to pick the hero.

And I still like to play him especially in some situations, he's still fun and does fairly well even though he isn't popular in the meta
michimatsch (26) | February 24, 2015 11:21pm
seems pretty good for your first guide.
But you could add matchups and maybe some xplanations how to do what.
Oh and if you fight versus Pl and rly want to counter him get a Battlefury it usually sucks on Naix because of your attack speed but versus Pl it does wonders
KEEP CALM AND FEED (15) | February 24, 2015 11:16pm
People still play this hero heh?
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