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61 Votes

Your Guide to Rigged-Taur

February 25, 2013 by wilddeonpwn
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Sandvichman (3) | September 8, 2013 11:45am

commandojimbob (1) | August 9, 2013 7:36am
Very nice guide for an interesting hero ! +1

I think for the "Foe" section you need to add Viper - certainly in my experiance as a Viper player.

Since Viper got updated recently, when I have seen Centaur Warrunner in opposing team I will go lane against them because the new Corrosive Skin means a simple right click attack which will activate Return will then inturn activate Corrosive Skin meaning for a small fee in physical damage i am getting double bubble.

I only need to get a few levels in and I have always just bossed Centaur Warrunner out of the lane and get early kills because Poison Attack + Corrosive Skin activating means your not going anywhere fast (I believe they stack - seem too!).
The Cheesemaster (1) | June 22, 2013 12:08pm
But [*] Return doesn't really help in ganks, which is his strength and how I typically use him. Oh well, I guess it's a matter of preference, then. The extra stun duration earlier makes all the difference to me, especially since [*] Stampede doesn't stun anymore. The earlier the ganking potential, the better, in my opinion.
RayRayNesha | June 22, 2013 8:45am
Stampede doesn't stun anymore, by the way.

But level 2 Hoof Stomp is just 37.5 extra damage after magic resistance, an extra .25 seconds of stun, and 15 extra mana.

I think getting Return at level 4 is good for just the utility of it in the laning phase, 16 + ~9.6 damage is like half an auto attack. Besides, you're going to be maxing it next anyways, so you can finish it off at level 10.
The Cheesemaster (1) | June 22, 2013 8:16am
I seriously do think Tranquil Boots are a good option on Brad, right after the Hood of Defiance. You tend to lose a lot of health after initiating with Double Edge, and taking some hits. It's good to be able to use them whenever you have a moment to help keep you alive.

I also disagree with getting Return at Level 4 because your Strength is still kinda low at that level, and you should be putting points into your ganking skills at that points. In a gank, Return won't help you because they'll be stunned by first Stampede, then Hoof Stomp, and by the time they can attack they're probably trying to run away anyways. What do you think?
Havendes | May 9, 2013 1:27am
Just wondering why not build tranquil treads early game then late game make them into boots of travel? I feel the they give him much more control in lane with a nice little heal every now and then that can be game changing while being chased.
Kershak | April 4, 2013 12:53pm
I found that champ for myself again today and had to carry as we had some horrible picks in the team. I'd suggest BKB as situtational, I needed it a lot that game.

Other thing, armlet works out for me amazingly after hood/vanguard + tranquil, I go into armlet and start fooling around. With Return and low HP people way too often think they can finish you off, while you jump around the next tree, toggle armlet and have fun 1on2 or 1on1. Really fun to play on him.

xkore88 | January 26, 2013 5:28pm
I cant imagine playing Centuar without Tranquil boots...
Toasty69 | January 16, 2013 1:05pm
xCO2 wrote:

No, you do 26+50% your STR. So with 100 STR and maxed return they are dealt 76 damage on swing then minus whatever there armor resist blocks because it is dealt as physical damage.

xCO2 (72) | January 16, 2013 9:41am
Toasty69 wrote:

Lets say you have 100 strength. With return maxed out would you deal 50 damage to the enemy when they attack?

No, you do 26+50% your STR. So with 100 STR and maxed return they are dealt 76 damage on swing then minus whatever there armor resist blocks because it is dealt as physical damage.
Toasty69 | January 16, 2013 9:30am
Lets say you have 100 strength. With return maxed out would you deal 50 damage to the enemy when they attack?
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