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86 Votes

Your Guide to Chuck Norris

February 6, 2013 by wilddeonpwn
Comments: 34    |    Views: 509991    |   

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Emilianov | September 2, 2016 4:13am
Elegant guide bro
Enraric | January 21, 2014 4:44pm
Fantastic guide, I enjoy supporting but have yet to try Chuck. Just a question, is this guide on Steam?
luckyass02 (1) | August 9, 2013 7:05am

Other than that, great guide. Also, just to point out, the Vlad armor bonus don't stack with AC armor bonus (Same with Ring of Basilius and Ring of Aquila).

About the AC+VLADS, it does stack now since 6.78. (vlads+basi doesn't stack ofcourse)
luckyass02 (1) | August 9, 2013 7:01am
I usually get repel 1 and then not upgrade it until the rest is maxed out, consider it using it this way once :) Also, phase boots can be very good on omniknight. Without phase boots, you can almost never keep an enemy under the effect of your degen aura while chasing. bottle can ve occasionally decent on omni. Hope I helped :)
Tikru8 (4) | May 15, 2013 3:58am
The core of the guide is generally good but actually Chuck Norris can solo lane pretty well, check out Purge's Omniknight videos on youtube even though he is not by far the best solo laner. Then he will be a semi-carry instead of a support. You might want to think about adding a carry solo lane build for Chuck Norris ;)

A section on when, how and on whom to use Repel would be good as Repel takes off some of your team mates' and enemies (de)buffs (includuing your ultimate) - that is, good use of Repel requires quite detailed game mechanics knowledge.

Out of curiosity, has anyone ever built a Rod of Atos on Omni? Omni lacks a reliable slow and could use more mana and HP - something which Rod of Atos gives.
Catkillerfive | April 22, 2013 6:04pm
Might I add that you should also add a Soul Ring Recipe to the Starting build. Since this guide focus on Safe/Off-Lane Omni then he will most likely have access to the Side Shop. That way you don't jack the Currier when for-example you Mid carry need his important early game items (Boots, Bottle, etc...). Since both Sages Mask and Ring of Regen is buyable in Side Shop.

Might I also add that Degen is actually useful Early/Mid game in a Roaming/Ganking support Omni build. I at least max Degen second (As maxing your Repel is bad early game, as 12 second of not being able to heal your team-mate is bad, and it's not that many spells that is that hard hitting early). On that way when I get close I run a bit infront of my target and then Purify myself dealing 360 pure damage, possibly killing the target.

Then again, I always play Omni as a Semi-Support Semi-Carry (Possibly a carry if I get a metric Tun of kills early) most of the time so you might look at this differently.

Other than that, great guide. Also, just to point out, the Vlad armor bonus don't stack with AC armor bonus (Same with Ring of Basilius and Ring of Aquila).
Xmayro | April 22, 2013 6:22am
Very ncie guide, i also usualy buy a Skull Basher to help me stun while i slow enemies in team fights or to give enogh time for some one else kill the fleeing enemy(+ force staff) + for you mister!
TheGlow (2) | January 5, 2013 7:03pm
Kamina wrote:

Good guide +1 :). Just... that "your"... please fix that gramar xD!

eddiek | December 31, 2012 6:47pm
wilddeonpwn wrote:

Nice idea, I'll add that to luxury

He does have refresher as a luxury and radiance as ultra luxury unless that was an update :)
Kamina | December 8, 2012 6:32pm
Good guide +1 :). Just... that "your"... please fix that gramar xD!
wilddeonpwn (102) | December 6, 2012 5:36pm

great guide +1 and picture in the How To Farm section is just awesome :D

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it :)
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