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15 Votes

Your damage is futile

March 30, 2013 by ibabrak
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samukobo (28) | April 7, 2013 7:08am
I find your lack of pictures disturbing.
Bacon_Stalker (1) | April 1, 2013 7:15am
As i said, its just one man's opinion. just the way my play style fits with BB.

its true he is not a fast split pusher, but it will always be a situation where at least 2 enemy heroes will have to be sent back to deal with the situation, removing at least an enemy support or two (a counter push if u will), leaving the BB a choice between regrouping, taking a tower or 1v1...

the 40% increased EHP is enough survival for me to bob n weave, and get the quill spray and slow/minus armour stacking. i do recommend armlet, and radiance BECAUSE of the damage, especially in team fights.

occasionally i will drum if a teamie has not, but otherwise i will build according to the enemy strengths.

the issue is that without radiance ur presence is mediocre, therefore not making u a viable target for hard cc or long cd nukes.

it is definitely not impossible to get radiance in an off-lane with a slight jungle trip or two, and if ur ganking, the assist gold will be plenty.
CountryClubAntics (2) | April 1, 2013 3:05am

Hi, thank you for ur guide :D

Just wanted to give my two cents, but i believe that any form of damage block, spell resistance or damage return items should fall into the "rejected items" category. 40% dmg reduction imho is redonkulous, so the aim will be to not fight head on, and if one farms an extra ~1000g, thats radiance!

Rigwarl should not be played as a tank, he is made for a gank, semi-carry, chase and escape role. He is unmatched in shutting down high dps melee heroes 1v1, and with a radiance + quill spray becomes a team-fight presence the enemy cannot ignore.

mid to late-game he can be a very effective split pusher, bar the limitations to his map presence without a tp.

Rigwarl should not take the safe lane or any farm from the hard carry, but his low cooldowns make him an effective farmer. With a quick orb of venom, viscous nasal goo can be delayed in order to max quill spray and bristleback early, while maintaining that epic ganking ability.

All this is still just one man's opinion, but rigwarl has been my fav melee hero for a long time :)

All the best, hope i was helpful in some way :D

I disagree completely!
Hes not a fast split pusher at all, his aoe pushing skill does minimal damage unless you are spamming it on off its 3 sec cooldown, compared to a shadow shaman who can nuke all of the enemy creeps instantly with his q, as well as that bb dosent have a tp skill or way to take towers unlike a shadow shaman or natures prophet
Hes a ganker yes, but how does this mean hes not a tank, his bristleback means a massive 40% EHP increase with damage back, picking up radiance is a total waste on him, it delays other items and the damage is nice but almost wasted on a character who doesnt right click. Why get a radience when you can get a drum and armlet for example earlier with more tank, damage and utility. Or a hood and vanguard for massive regen and tank.
And if you arent ment to take the farm, how the hell are you going to afford a radiance? it far too expensive item on a ganker (as you say he is), the entire time your saving for your radiance you could have so much more
And why not get a early q level, you can hardly kill any heroes without it, and orb or venom requires you to get in melee range for a weaker slow, not saying its a bad item on him but its no reason to not get your q

Other than that i like your build Ibabrak! +1
Bacon_Stalker (1) | April 1, 2013 2:42am
Hi, thank you for ur guide :D

Just wanted to give my two cents, but i believe that any form of damage block, spell resistance or damage return items should fall into the "rejected items" category. 40% dmg reduction imho is redonkulous, so the aim will be to not fight head on, and if one farms an extra ~1000g, thats radiance!

Rigwarl should not be played as a tank, he is made for a gank, semi-carry, chase and escape role. He is unmatched in shutting down high dps melee heroes 1v1, and with a radiance + quill spray becomes a team-fight presence the enemy cannot ignore.

mid to late-game he can be a very effective split pusher, bar the limitations to his map presence without a tp.

Rigwarl should not take the safe lane or any farm from the hard carry, but his low cooldowns make him an effective farmer. With a quick orb of venom, viscous nasal goo can be delayed in order to max quill spray and bristleback early, while maintaining that epic ganking ability.

All this is still just one man's opinion, but rigwarl has been my fav melee hero for a long time :)

All the best, hope i was helpful in some way :D
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