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6 Votes

You'll see Glimpses - 6.83 update

December 23, 2014 by Dr Biscuit
Comments: 8    |    Views: 19146    |   

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KoDyAbAbA (65) | December 22, 2014 8:41pm
at higher skill levels, Blink Dagger and Glimpse have often been used to devastating effects.Like the buyback-tp-glimpse shenanigan.
Fire in the Biscuit (1) | July 28, 2014 12:51pm
What a guide. One read through and I'm pretty much a disruptor master now!
Dr Biscuit (2) | July 28, 2014 10:01am
Fumbles16x wrote:

Blink Dagger is actually really good on him. It's not a core by any means, and usually Force Staff is better, but if you have the gold it can be useful. Being able to get in crazy places to cast your spells is very beneficial. It also helps you get the high ground when needed, and in some cases even escape.

Thanks for the comment! I'm going to have to try getting a Blink Dagger now I've been told it twice, so maybe I've been missing some fun! I agree about the Veil of Discord, I've found it possible to get this if things go well, and it is a nice buff to everything.
Fumbles16x (4) | July 28, 2014 8:45am
In a match where your team has a lot of magic damage you should always pick up Veil of Discord. It makes you a bit less squishy and also boosts your ultimate considerably. It's kind of like a poor man's Aghanim's Scepter on Disruptor, but it shouldn't be underestimated.

Blink Dagger is actually really good on him. It's not a core by any means, and usually Force Staff is better, but if you have the gold it can be useful. Being able to get in crazy places to cast your spells is very beneficial. It also helps you get the high ground when needed, and in some cases even escape.

BKB and Refresher Orb could also be added to luxury/situational. You'll probably never get the gold for the latter, but if you somehow did, having two ults in a row would be devastating. BKB is just one of those items that always has a time and place.

This guide is really good. Disruptor used to be my go-to hard support, because he's fun and super useful throughout the game. Nothing feels better than glimpsing a hero back to a battle that they were positive they just escaped from.
Dr Biscuit (2) | July 27, 2014 11:09am
Diocanato wrote:

This is a great guide for a great hero, I'm quite disappointed you didn't recive any comment.

I would appreciate more with a section "friends and foes", with deteiled ways to counter them.

Anyway, integration with video is amazing and it surely helps who wants to get close to this usefull pg.

Thanks, I'm glad you like the guide so far, and thanks for the suggestion. I'll work on adding a section on 'Friends and Foes' next.
Diocanato (2) | July 27, 2014 5:22am
This is a great guide for a great hero, I'm quite disappointed you didn't recive any comment.

I would appreciate more with a section "friends and foes", with deteiled ways to counter them.

Anyway, integration with video is amazing and it surely helps who wants to get close to this usefull pg.
Dr Biscuit (2) | July 27, 2014 2:18am
Moodkill wrote:

Force staff and blink ? Mobility can be good at times

Yup, I can see that Force Staff is another good addition. I'll add that now.

I'm not sure if you need blink enough to keep a slot for it, unless there is another support who is going to take over all the warding for you. Disruptor can cast his combo with reasonable range, it is not centred on him like Tidehunter's or Earthshaker's, so he does not need one to initiate as much as some heroes do.
Moodkill (9) | July 26, 2014 6:41pm
Force staff and blink ? Mobility can be good at times
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