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Liked the build. liked the guide. liked videos. +1 from me.
also, what about A hand of midas as an early game situational.
@yoda: The core is only Travels and Aghanim the build mentioned when you have full inventory, you will almost never reach full inventory in a normal game About the GPM, it is possible to get this gpm if you get some tower last hits, I reached 1057 GPM in a game once and my kills were not that high. It is hard to gank a geomancer since he keeps tping everywhere and they always have a tp scroll off CD. If you like active items I recommend Dagger and Manta, both are really useful to Meepo, but remember that those items are not required to high level Meepo play. Since Meepo always have a tp scroll off CD he can always jump in the middle of the teamfights through a creep and without even disrupting the farm, you jump in, help your team, and tp back to your farming location. Avoid wasting time doing nothing, always do something.
@noov.Deity: As mentioned on the guide, sniper is only a counter if he is really really fed, the reason he is dangerous is because of the fact that he can kill you before you reach him, something that only him can do. He forces you to do mobility items or long range disable. All of Meepo counters simply force you to do a specific item or follow a different kind of gameplay, sniper forces you to build blink, ethereal, scythe of vize or Heaven Halberd. All counters have easy ways to be dealt with, Earthskaker will not hurt Meepo much if he has 2500hp and his team has pipe and mech. Also I think that skadi is the only item that helps you in all situations and against all enemies(of course not being optimal). When in doubt go for skadis.
Basic math, let's consider that a match was of 50 min.
35 000 / 50
=700 GPM
i know this is not exactly how GPM is calculated and i did not put into consideration KDA and how much time you are gonna stay farming (as a hard carry).
this is just an example, a match duration can vary of course and will rarely go over 40 min. Dont forget that there are always matches where you will not get the farm needed and get ganked a lot. And it s till pretty dry build. (but i think that is just my taste, i like a lot of active effects items)
IDK about how your hard carry skills are, and how much time you are able stay afk farming, but it's still not really newbie-friendly. I think a 4th safe build might do the trick.
+1 for being the best meepo guide around in my opinion.
+rep and +1 :)
Walls upon walls of text, some of your links aren't done properly btw
Well, as long as those walls of text have a reason to be big I think there is no problem. And I can assure you that this guide is worth reading to the end.
About the links, I'm going to do a little search, but I'm sure I tested all of them before porting the guide to this website
Edit 1: Tested all the links, they are all working.
Edit 2: If you are talking about some black pictures on the friends section, they are intended to be black.