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You know what BURNS my ass? - Abyssal Underlord Guide

August 27, 2016 by Justinian the Visage
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Sinole | August 31, 2016 8:02am
Decent simple guide, my main remark is that you are saying Firestorm doesn't scale well into the late game, this simply is not true. I think you are forgetting that in addition to the base damage it also deals damage based off of health %, which actually makes it one of the spells that scales best into the late game. At the moment it hits Roshan like a truck, so it will also hit those late game strength carrys like a truck as well, melty melty.
Justinian the Visage | August 23, 2016 2:13pm
I have now added the in-game version for quick use. You can find it here:
Justinian the Visage | August 23, 2016 1:22pm
Now that Underlord is FINALLY in the game, I will be updating this guide for the coming weeks, as he will likely be tweaked. Not to mention all the new item choices and potential allies/enemies. Stay tuned!
Blubbles (13) | April 16, 2016 10:17pm
How old is this guide to have 135 gold TP scrolls. Also why play Pit Lord as a support when you get 5 damage per last hit? Why not just rush Radiance and carry hard as hell
Justinian the Visage | August 23, 2016 1:23pm
To each his own. As for the TP scroll thing, yeah I gotta update the pictures. Haha.
redguard242 | November 10, 2014 11:20pm
Taking into account (Vlads vs Helm) there is not only the lifesteal benefits which should be thought about. HotD without its passive lifesteal given, the active on Helm is a great way for you to allow mobility for your team when using Darkrift!

Helm is only beneficial if you have great communication between your team and allow them to boss you around when it comes to supporting your team. I'm NOT encouraging getting Helm because your ult only comes after 130seconds! (that's enough time for the enemy to take back the game!)

Vladmir's as indicated by Justinian the Visage and Mystix9 is probably the better option. you should allow for a slot of yours to be a NecroBook because the active is the same as a helm(but two creeps![with sick abilities!]).

so go for vlads to help your team out. but keep in mind to GetThatNecro!.. probs the most core item for him in my opinion.

P.S: no problem if you have a different opinion to this! everyone has their own build!
Justinian the Visage | September 23, 2014 9:50am
Finally updated the items tab with pictures and fixed broken links. Also updated the picture with the latest concept art. He'll be here soon people! Get excited!
Justinian the Visage | February 13, 2014 4:45pm
Took the feedback into consideration and played yet more Pit Lord to test. Vladimir's is totally better than Helm for what it offers to the team. I would say go Helm if someone already went Vladimir's. I will try to update this guide with pictures in the near future so it's not just a bland wall of text.
Mystix9 | February 10, 2014 1:57pm
On the subject on lifesteal consider this:
HotD- gives u lifesteal, armor, and health regen
Vlads- gives YOUR TEAM lifesteal, armor, and damage

if this hero is all about team fights, the latter seems the best choice.

p.s. I have no personal knowledge about this hero, just letting u know what seems best from what u wrote
Justinian the Visage | January 17, 2014 8:21pm
I suppose you are right. But if you are going to pick a lifesteal that's the one I would suggest.
Wulfstan (77) | January 13, 2014 12:47pm
I wouldn't see pit lord need Helm of the Dominator to stack ancients, you could just do it yourself, that's more than half of a mek/vlads thrown out he window.

The rest is good though.
Justinian the Visage | November 12, 2013 3:14pm
To Answer your questions: Yes, Yes, and Yes.

To Answer your suggestion: The exact reason why I refrain from early levels on Atrophy Aura is the exact reason I refrain from early levels of Vampiric Aura. It pushes the wave unnecessarily. As for the starting lineup, I can see how that would work better. Thanks for the feedback.
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