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20 Votes

You Have No Friends - Not a random Terroblade Guide (6.87)

May 5, 2016 by taeyangfan
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Jleon4d5et | December 17, 2015 7:14pm

Wow... I'm very convinced.
Excellent guide +1

Sp3ctr3 (4) | December 5, 2015 2:35pm
I have a friend that plays TB with Shadow Blade or Blink Dagger+Dagon build, after lvl 6 he goes to the Roshan pit, or goes to his ancient and let them smash his face, when he is in low hp he goes and Sunder someone and right after that, bum, Dagon in his a**. Insta kill almost every time, then run away with a troll laugh. I have seen a lot of people abandon the game because of that lol.
kycokpiroga | December 5, 2015 12:48pm
What do you think about fast Vanguard. Easy farm forest xp + regeneration?
Terathiel (49) | June 30, 2015 2:50am
I like it. Not as xXx_MLG_xXx, but still a solid guide. Upvoted.
taeyangfan (1) | June 23, 2015 12:33am
I agree that lifesteal isn't really needed for TB to farm but it does help. I like getting a HoTD because i can build it into a Satanic later which i often do.

I don't usually like stacking items because I prefer a more diverse inventory. Usually the game ends before i'm 6-slotted and even if I have spare space and cash, I would rather save for BB or get a situation utility item.

I've tried both stout and Q-blade on TB before and I realised stats is usually better as TB lacks HP early. Stout helps against physical harrassment, something TB is already resilient to so it may be reduntant. And as I've said, TB can go for more aggressive laning so getting Q-blade to last hit is a little too passive for my liking. Q-Blade can be gotten later when u start to farm more.

Of course this all varies with the different match up u are playing against so it's up to u to see whats best for that situation.
The Frosto (14) | June 21, 2015 9:05am
If you use your illusions correctly while farming you actually don't need lifesteal on terror blade.
I also like to stack butterflies and skadis on the hero because that are the only items he really needs and the are amazing to stack. Also i think that you can better get a stoutshield as starting item and buy a quelling blade at the sightshop later. This increases your farming a lot because terrorblade builds a lot of base damage so the Q-blade does a lot of damage on creeps
YellulzQuiet (8) | June 16, 2015 3:33pm
taeyangfan wrote:

I wouldn't get Rod of Atos nor Diffusal Blade if Im playing TB seriously. One gives no damage, the other gives no HP. That' why I put it in the for fun list. I guess I just didn't like diffusal enough to put it there lol.

b-b-but is so much love diffusal, also it stacks with lifesteal
taeyangfan (1) | June 6, 2015 1:06pm
YellulzQuiet wrote:

Yeah but if you gonna buy a rod of athos as suugest by the guide, why not consider a difussal blade as rod of athos for agi heroess ?
i did not said diffusal was great idea, but is better than rod of athos in every way on terror blade

I wouldn't get Rod of Atos nor Diffusal Blade if Im playing TB seriously. One gives no damage, the other gives no HP. That' why I put it in the for fun list. I guess I just didn't like diffusal enough to put it there lol.
YellulzQuiet (8) | June 6, 2015 12:32pm

Diffusal's not worth the cost imo. I'd rather buy a HotD and then satanic. As for the slow, he already has one.

Yeah but if you gonna buy a rod of athos as suugest by the guide, why not consider a difussal blade as rod of athos for agi heroess ?
i did not said diffusal was great idea, but is better than rod of athos in every way on terror blade
strider | June 6, 2015 12:01pm
Metamorphosis bonus damage is base damage,add that TB has highest agi grow in the game makes his illusions do considarable damage,yea they melt early on,but you generally use them for pushing towers and farming.As you said you don't want to fight early-midgame so getting Sange and Yasha doesn't makes much sense,since it's mainly midgame fighting item and in few matches i build it is when i needed to fight asap.
UltraSuperHyper (12) | June 6, 2015 11:58am
Diffusal's not worth the cost imo. I'd rather buy a HotD and then satanic. As for the slow, he already has one.
YellulzQuiet (8) | June 6, 2015 11:42am
Why not Diffusal Blade on terrorblade ? it is legit as **** on him, the stats are perfect and work like Rod of athos, also your illusions ****ing benefit of it
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