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You had to /buy/ lifesteal? - A Lifestealer Jungle Guide(In-Progress)

May 10, 2012 by altosigma
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altosigma | May 10, 2012 11:39pm
Salawayun wrote:

I'd say drop the lifesteal items, rush up that Armlet or if you're doing pretty good without too much hassle, grab that early Mjolnir or you could also go for an alternative route of Blink Dagger and Desolator as to easily catch on supports without wasting a bit of duration on that Rage. Basically, Naix goes jungling for about 20 minutes then comes out and participate on teamfights and pushes, or maybe earlier if the game calls for it, you're really now gonna spend like 40-50 minutes in jungle and lane even with your HoT and Armlet up, seriously.

Also, to help ensure that jungle rush, I suggest you take insights from this

Choke Point Jungling with Naix

I'm aware of the other possible orb effects, but this isn't meant for a full-on carry lifestealer. Its a bit more awkward, but thus far I have been experimenting with what this build does. It allows you to farm ancients very early into the game, riskless that retains ganking presence on mid and bot. It translates into a very tanky, but still painful lifestealer. An armlet could easily further this, but I think it gets players in mid-low experience killed far more than it helps them get kills. Its aimed at helping people get a grasp on what lifestealer is about, rather than rushing armlet and dying when you turn it off and had lost all your reliable health prior. We have all been in that situation, I am sure. That doesn't mean armlet isn't a serious consideration! Thank you for the feedback, I will continue to improve this guide.
Salawayun (4) | May 10, 2012 9:32pm
I'd say drop the lifesteal items, rush up that Armlet or if you're doing pretty good without too much hassle, grab that early Mjolnir or you could also go for an alternative route of Blink Dagger and Desolator as to easily catch on supports without wasting a bit of duration on that Rage. Basically, Naix goes jungling for about 20 minutes then comes out and participate on teamfights and pushes, or maybe earlier if the game calls for it, you're really now gonna spend like 40-50 minutes in jungle and lane even with your HoT and Armlet up, seriously.

Also, to help ensure that jungle rush, I suggest you take insights from this

Choke Point Jungling with Naix
nachoman | May 10, 2012 8:34am
I think HoD instead of Vlads because it goes with the satanic, although vlads does help with his armor/mana problem. And maybe a Maelstrom or Mjallnor? the Orb is only active when the items proc (send lighting) so it will stack with satanic.
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