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58 Votes

You Can't Tame the Lion

May 4, 2012 by Axefane_
Comments: 20    |    Views: 697375    |   

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Unscathed (47) | February 16, 2015 5:22am
Oh my God outdated guides are bad
hagit213 | February 16, 2015 4:48am
Everybody lion's counter is silencer because lion literally needs spells to fight back with 3 silencing skill's with him dont fight if you dont have a bkb
SergeantJezza | June 4, 2014 2:27am
What do you think about this?:

Ethereal blade + Finger of death + Dagon 5 + Refresher + Finger of death + Dagon 5

Hex and Earth spike in between as necessary

Would be mana intensive but holy ****.
Auryt | August 18, 2013 8:51am

Im a really noobish player(playing moba since 1 month), but i dont really understand how can u get the sufficient mana resource to properly use refresher orb before lategame. If u use only for cast finger twice is a really bad i think.
U need mana:
- Spike 170
- Hex 200
- Finger 650
- Refresher 350
- Finger again 650
Its more than 2k mana u need to really get benefit from Refresher, and 2.5k mana if u want to use your whole combo again, if u got refresher without huge mana pool seems pointless.

I tried several builds, and i think Dagon is the best thing u can get early, more benefical than the Ags scepter. It gives more damage, for more mana, but mana cannot be an issue.
BTW leveling up Dagon seems not really worth takes so much gold, and u can benefit more survival/team support items (sheepstick can be crazy +3.5 sec disable time).
apolloscow | March 28, 2013 9:20am
This is an interesting nuke heavy guide. Do you usually dual lane? In a pub I basically always have to support so picking lion would mean buying wards,courier and mek. I think this would be a great solo mid build though, letting you murder enemy heroes pretty instantly during a team fight.
slashOD | March 24, 2013 5:48pm
The refresher orb rush really isn't useful. The buildup is nice and helps with farming a bit but as was mentioned above, you just don't have the mana to double finger.
Biwinning1 | March 23, 2013 2:28pm
I would really like a friends and foes section
Great guide very well done. +1
xpoizone (1) | March 3, 2013 9:40am
You forgot to mention boots of travel - they are the best boots for a well farmed lion because you can a) tp as much as you want b) flee if your spike is in cooldown and c) babysit your carry wherever it is.

If I get BoT I always get them AFTER I get a point booster. Plus, I don't see the use of tranquil boots after mid game if I'm getting mekanism (which happens most of the time).

Nice guide.
MrDog | January 20, 2013 5:38pm
I like your guide, but not the item choice
Blink dadger is a great item for lion, and refresher is way too mana intensive for lion to use, so i dont think it should be a core
Dethereus | January 3, 2013 6:23am
Not bad build on the Lion. I mean its very good.

rakanishuman | December 28, 2012 2:22pm
Personally I like to opt for Dagon ASAP- It's cheaper on mana and offers some insane early game ganking even with a lv 1 Dagon. Refresher takes a lot longer to build to and once you get your spike, finger and dagon to max you can be doing 1910 damage every 40 seconds with Dagon compared to 1700 and then 850 until the orb cools down. Also compare the mana costs- 375 for refresher, 100 for Dagon once leveled... I know what I'm choosing
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