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3 Votes


June 6, 2013 by AlchiManche
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porygon361 (46) | June 12, 2013 4:21am
AlchiManche wrote:

You'd do the same damage as it is based on the target's Total HP and not his Current HP

Yes, he mixed up the max health and current health.

EDIT: Gave you a +1 on your guide btw :)
AlchiManche | June 12, 2013 4:16am

3 games ya right sure -_-' .kid seriously? if u have played dota you would know that even if his hp gets returned you would have done more damage by stealing his hp at the beginning. Just like tread switching is more usefull with full hp/mana than with half.
Against a lane with a superior opponent(like a ranged one) the aura would let you deal with the haras and if your supports pull the extra hp from lifesteal would help keep the lane equilibrium.

You'd do the same damage as it is based on the target's Total HP and not his Current HP
porygon361 (46) | June 12, 2013 1:06am

Ahem u still dont get it?

Lemme hear it.

Let me explain in detail:
If you remove hp in the start your target is down to 80% hp, so if your enemy was at 100 hp he now has 80 hp.
You hit the target for say 8 damage.
He is now down to 72 hp(neglecting hp regen for the sake of calculations.)
Say the duration is over.
Now your target doesnt get back exactly the 20 hp as he is down by 10% of 80 or at 72 hp.
What he gets back is 90% of 20 to keep his current hp at the same %.
So your enemy gets back 18 hp instead of 20.
Your attack of 8 damage actually did 33% more damage due to you taking away his hp.
As his current hp gets lower than max the effect of this technique is reduced as his current hp is much less so as to make an impact with the damage amplification.

Now this is where you are wrong. Mortal Strike only removes 20% of the MAX health. It is not in any way correlated to current health, because the max health never changes (unless they level up or acquire an item or debuff during the duration). Even if the current health increases or decreases, they will still receive the same amount of health back. Therefor, using mortal strike first will hurt your chances of killing as they will run as soon as you use it, as the author of this guide previously mentioned, and you will also not crit when you're hitting the sucker.

Note that in the video, the same amount of health was returned.

As for your argument about lifesteal you imply that supports wont pull?(their only way of getting farm and exp unless they steal from the carry)
Further you expect the noob supports(who dont pull obviously) to share their limited supply of money to pool you regen which you can yourself arrange with a passive? The same money that could be spent on wards?
No one is that big a noob.

Well, if they're good supports, they should be in the lane with you when you're getting harassed, to guard your sorry *** (no insult intended :P). And many people are noob in pub, so anything is possible from them.

Try and analise something you read before sharing your AWeSOME views next time.(Or go read stuff at your precious dota wiki more closely)

*sigh* I did not insult you once in my argument, and you bashed me like this. Please make your points without any rude or sarcastic remarks in your argument, it makes it more believable. If you thought I was trying to insult you in any way, then I'm sorry, I could have phrased things better.

You sound really worked up, just remember that we're arguing about a game :)
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | June 11, 2013 11:41pm
porygon361 wrote:

You obviously don't understand the concept of Mortal Strike. Mortal Strike removes 20% of the targets max health. If the enemy has 1000 health, 200 health will be stolen and given to Skeleton King. "Doesn't affect max HP, just temporarily drains then returns it." - dota2wiki. Contrary to what you think, Mortal Strike does NOT remove health based on the current health. Tread Switching couldn't be more irrelevant in this context. Please rethink your bad argument before you refer to someone as a "kid" who doesn't play dota.

Your lifesteal argument is not as bad, but if the supports in your lane don't pull, then you might as well not level it, 'cause the lane would push out. Also, heavy harassment does not warrant the leveling of the skill. Just buy more regeneration or get the supports to pool you some.

Ahem u still dont get it?
The amount removed is constant, i know that , i CAN read.
Let me explain in detail:
If you remove hp in the start your target is down to 80% hp, so if your enemy was at 100 hp he now has 80 hp.
You hit the target for say 8 damage.
He is now down to 72 hp(neglecting hp regen for the sake of calculations.)
Say the duration is over.
Now your target doesnt get back exactly the 20 hp as he is down by 10% of 80 or at 72 hp.
What he gets back is 90% of 20 to keep his current hp at the same %.
So your enemy gets back 18 hp instead of 20.
Your attack of 8 damage actually did 33% more damage due to you taking away his hp.
As his current hp gets lower than max the effect of this technique is reduced as his current hp is much less so as to make an impact with the damage amplification.
This is what i meant by tread switching. (Not that it steals more rather is gives less)

As for your argument about lifesteal you imply that supports wont pull?(their only way of getting farm and exp unless they steal from the carry)
Further you expect the noob supports(who dont pull obviously) to share their limited supply of money to pool you regen which you can yourself arrange with a passive? The same money that could be spent on wards?
No one is that big a noob.

Try and analise something you read before sharing your AWeSOME views next time.(Or go read stuff at your precious dota wiki more closely)
porygon361 (46) | June 11, 2013 10:20pm

3 games ya right sure -_-' .kid seriously? if u have played dota you would know that even if his hp gets returned you would have done more damage by stealing his hp at the beginning. Just like tread switching is more usefull with full hp/mana than with half.
Against a lane with a superior opponent(like a ranged one) the aura would let you deal with the haras and if your supports pull the extra hp from lifesteal would help keep the lane equilibrium.

You obviously don't understand the concept of Mortal Strike. Mortal Strike removes 20% of the targets max health. If the enemy has 1000 health, 200 health will be stolen and given to Skeleton King. "Doesn't affect max HP, just temporarily drains then returns it." - dota2wiki. Contrary to what you think, Mortal Strike does NOT remove health based on the current health. Tread Switching couldn't be more irrelevant in this context. Please rethink your bad argument before you refer to someone as a "kid" who doesn't play dota.

Your lifesteal argument is not as bad, but if the supports in your lane don't pull, then you might as well not level it, 'cause the lane would push out. Also, heavy harassment does not warrant the leveling of the skill. Just buy more regeneration or get the supports to pool you some.
Mirror (22) | June 11, 2013 7:48pm
You only YOLO once....
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | June 11, 2013 7:37pm
Wisdomseyes1 wrote:


1) This skill heals you temporarily as well, so using it when you have the ability to actually use that HP is going to make the most of the skill

2) Using it at the start of the combat has a chance of making the opponent just flee

3) It is a Temporary HP Steal, which means if you use it at the beginning, and dont kill them in 7 seconds, you did nothing with your attack at all. Using it to finish is very much exactly what you do with it.

I am guessing you have played... 3 games with The king maybe? Yea 3 sounds right.

The only time you get aura any time before 8 (which by itself is actually early to get it anyway) is when you are level 1 roshan.

3 games ya right sure -_-' .kid seriously? if u have played dota you would know that even if his hp gets returned you would have done more damage by stealing his hp at the beginning. Just like tread switching is more usefull with full hp/mana than with half.
Against a lane with a superior opponent(like a ranged one) the aura would let you deal with the haras and if your supports pull the extra hp from lifesteal would help keep the lane equilibrium.
mnoi (2) | June 7, 2013 9:46pm
BKB should be a core item, and if you have a BKB, a satanic would be much better than a heart, since you potentially can have 3 lives with reincarnate (Satanic > Reincarnate > Satanic). I think that makes up for the 500 hp difference and you can always satanic a creep to get back up to full hp.

Other Stuff: Halberd > Butterfly (disable + more damage)
Probably add drums somewhere
Probably add stout shield (maybe PMS)
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | June 6, 2013 10:23pm
Your idea about using mortal strike when the enemy is at Half hp couldnt be more wrong, ANY skill that REMOVES hp should be used at the start so as to amplify all your damage by 20%


1) This skill heals you temporarily as well, so using it when you have the ability to actually use that HP is going to make the most of the skill

2) Using it at the start of the combat has a chance of making the opponent just flee

3) It is a Temporary HP Steal, which means if you use it at the beginning, and dont kill them in 7 seconds, you did nothing with your attack at all. Using it to finish is very much exactly what you do with it.

Get 1 level of vampiric aura instead of a second level of mortal strike.

I am guessing you have played... 3 games with The king maybe? Yea 3 sounds right.

The only time you get aura any time before 8 (which by itself is actually early to get it anyway) is when you are level 1 roshan.
Ancient Hero (17) | June 6, 2013 9:44pm
I really wouldn't get a level of vampiric aura in the laning stage unless youre really hurting from harass. It pushes the creep wave and makes it harder to farm. Deso is a better early game item coupled with the AC as the -7 armor now greatly increases your right click.
AlchiManche | June 6, 2013 9:37pm
Thanks. I've included some of the changes. Ab4ddon, Mortal Strike steals 20% of the opponents's Max HP, so engaging him when he is half or below will still take a significant chunk of his health for seven seconds
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | June 6, 2013 8:48pm
Skill Build:
Get 1 level of vampiric aura instead of a second level of mortal strike.

Item Build:
Mjollnir > Desolator ; Orchid, MKB, BKB, Forcestaff, Halberd are all good on SK.
As a luxury I would even get a necrobook rather than the useless radiance.
Arcane Boots is a situational pickup, as is midas.

Your idea about using mortal strike when the enemy is at Half hp couldnt be more wrong, ANY skill that REMOVES hp should be used at the start so as to amplify all your damage by 20%
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