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5 Votes

Wyrmblade Cuts Deep

January 11, 2021 by BLUTS
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KoDyAbAbA (65) | December 31, 2014 7:09pm
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Peppo_oPaccio (70) | December 31, 2014 10:14am
Last guide of 2014?

Seriously now, it's a pretty good guide, a Blink Dagger - which became popular on DK a while ago - is the only thing this guide lacks. You could also suggest getting a Tango (Shared) instead of a full Tango if the supports are generous.

Lastly, unless your supports are rotating mid for a level 1 first blood or you're getting ganked at level 1, Breathe Fire is the better skill at 1 because it lets you get some last hits to afford a Bottle as soon as possible.

wangyuphing wrote:

Beh why so many people love SB on him........

Because DK is a strong split pusher thanks to his ulti, and all he needs is an escape mechanism (which means either Shadow Blade or Blink Dagger): it's not really about ganking, but more about pushing. As he also needs attacks speed unlike Witch Doctor and doesn't rely on invisibility for surviving like Sniper, he's one of the very few Heroes who I like a Shadow Blade on.

akhokhay wrote:

First: You can add some gameplay.
IMHO he is second hero to be mid. he can go side lane with a soul ring he would have enough mana to spam FireBreath. also remember that spamming will just ending in pushing lane. Thats why you need to be in safe lane and support pulls creeps to avoid fighting under enemy tower.

Nah, Dragon Knight is much better as a mid Hero, as he can win the lane versus pretty much any Hero and can gank at 6. He also doesn't scale that well with farm and has low killing potential without extra autoattack damage.
wangyuphing (9) | December 31, 2014 7:48am
Well AC is pretty good, especially if youre fighting with buncha right clickers. rapier is an absolute troll. NEVER BUY THIS IF YOU DON'T INTEND TO TROLL OR THROW THE GAME.

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wangyuphing (9) | December 31, 2014 6:36am
Dunno why, just have a beh feeling abt it.
I usually just go boots BKB then either AC or satanic or even HoT, which is very rare then daedalus and even rapier XD
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