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10 Votes

Wulfgangs Bloodseeker (Jungle)

June 5, 2015 by Wulfgang
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davenguyen1997 | June 10, 2016 8:39pm
Thank you for the good guide :)
Captain Crunch here (2) | June 29, 2015 7:34pm
BS wrecks slark. You don't get the regen if you are detected, which bs can do when you are below 25% hp, so no escape. Also, bs can stop your mobility that you rely on with Rupture
KEEP CALM AND FEED (15) | June 23, 2015 2:28pm
Smoke of Deceit on slark.
Your BS just got rekt.
I intentionally go Slark in my games against BS. They cry like babies.
Jobroaj (2) | June 19, 2015 11:59am
I just wanted to point out to make Bristleback look like that you have to put it like this
> Bristleback Hero then
Captain Crunch here (2) | June 17, 2015 3:08pm
And I almost forgot Skadi! Please try it instead of the heart. It's a great late game item when your dps far outweighs rupture damage and you want to tank up.
Captain Crunch here (2) | June 17, 2015 3:03pm
Hey man I like the guide but I have some suggestions. First, S&Y is, IMO, an early mid game item and core on bs. I personally like going treads, yasha, basher, then finish S&Y. Don't forget mjollnir as a pick up- very fun if you're snowballing. I'm not sure about blademail as a core anymore; I think it's situational. It used to work in a gimmicky way with blood rage, but not anymore. Heart and butterfly are great items of course, but I think his best late game item is the abyssal. I would add a section for abilities and when to use them, like how to set up kills with blood rite and rupture etc. Good guide though
Bukler (1) | June 9, 2015 3:13pm
Wulfgang wrote:

Of course not every single gank will be a success. If you're ganking with an ally then its way easier, and thats usually what you're doing in the beginning.(Urn helps with that as well)

Later on you'll have BM which is super helpful, pop that just when they will atk you and then finish them off. Even if they TP that wastes their time of going back to base and losing farm, while you can farm and wait for the next oppurtunity. Who cares if you "wasted" your Ult it will be back up very soon.

As for the combo you're talking about, the beauty of thirst allows you to run away while your team fights (urn to heal) and then run back in to keep fighting/secure kills. You shouldn't be alone unless of course you have snowballed far ahead of the enemy.

Thank you for responding me, yeah you are right but I just said that he isnt a great ganker he is a more of a support/nuker in a gank and by the way as I already said you made pretty good points in this guide and a pretty good work so keep it up!
UltraSuperHyper (12) | June 9, 2015 3:43am
A Dagon works with the damage amp. For the lulz ofc.
Wulfgang (1) | June 9, 2015 12:10am
ChiChi wrote:

I actually liked this guide a lot, even if it is so summarized. But is one point in Bloodrage enough to farm until level 6 succefully? I'm asking cause the little I played with Blood, I didn't understood how I was supposed to farm jungle in a good rate - besides staying away from the hardest neutrals, what are your tips on this?

Yes, Bloodrage gives you a constant 25% health of the unit you kill. The only thing that changes when you lvl it up is the damage amplifier. You can easily get to 6 with only 1 point in bloodrage.

Use the chokepoints made by a quelling blade, pull creeps and use Blood Rage when the unit is under half health. Take the Medium camps, and if in trouble use the small camp to help regen. Don't mess with the Centaurs and Birds till after lvl 3 and if you have good thirst. Don't mess with Hell Bears till lvl 6.

And of course if you're about to kill a unit wait for your Bloodrage (always time a kill when you'll have bloodrage) then kill him. If you have to go back to base to heal you have failed and you're wasting time :(
Wulfgang (1) | June 8, 2015 11:57pm
Bukler wrote:

Great ganker????? Whoa, ok that you can gank but tiny, lina, lion, ebola spirit, storm spirit, mirana, pudge (even voker) are GREAT gankers because they have good nukes and most importantly a STUN AND/OR A DISABLE!!!
Like you can literaly just tp out everytime you find bloodseeker because you know blood rite doest mute items or just go around with one of those already named gankers as bloodseeker you cant stun anyone the only realiable ministun you have could be the skull basher but you need something for achieve this, and guess what: GANKS!
The guide on his own is pretty good and also the jungle strats are not bad at all. Just you cant gank with this dude so much to call him a good ganker.

P.S: How do you counter the infamus combo (at least for me): blade mail+any tanky item+ staying under tower? You cant dive that much towers and probably rupture will do not even much dmg to take them below 50 percent of their health and your base dmg+ blood rite doesnt do a ****.

Of course not every single gank will be a success. If you're ganking with an ally then its way easier, and thats usually what you're doing in the beginning.(Urn helps with that as well)

Later on you'll have BM which is super helpful, pop that just when they will atk you and then finish them off. Even if they TP that wastes their time of going back to base and losing farm, while you can farm and wait for the next oppurtunity. Who cares if you "wasted" your Ult it will be back up very soon.

As for the combo you're talking about, the beauty of thirst allows you to run away while your team fights (urn to heal) and then run back in to keep fighting/secure kills. You shouldn't be alone unless of course you have snowballed far ahead of the enemy.
ChiChi (47) | June 8, 2015 11:31am
I actually liked this guide a lot, even if it is so summarized. But is one point in Bloodrage enough to farm until level 6 succefully? I'm asking cause the little I played with Blood, I didn't understood how I was supposed to farm jungle in a good rate - besides staying away from the hardest neutrals, what are your tips on this?
Bukler (1) | June 8, 2015 11:15am
Great ganker????? Whoa, ok that you can gank but tiny, lina, lion, ebola spirit, storm spirit, mirana, pudge (even voker) are GREAT gankers because they have good nukes and most importantly a STUN AND/OR A DISABLE!!!
Like you can literaly just tp out everytime you find bloodseeker because you know blood rite doest mute items or just go around with one of those already named gankers as bloodseeker you cant stun anyone the only realiable ministun you have could be the skull basher but you need something for achieve this, and guess what: GANKS!
The guide on his own is pretty good and also the jungle strats are not bad at all. Just you cant gank with this dude so much to call him a good ganker.

P.S: How do you counter the infamus combo (at least for me): blade mail+any tanky item+ staying under tower? You cant dive that much towers and probably rupture will do not even much dmg to take them below 50 percent of their health and your base dmg+ blood rite doesnt do a ****.
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