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4 Votes

Wrath of Nature

October 5, 2013 by Prophecy
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Wisdomseyes1 (8) | October 11, 2013 4:15pm
Desolator is great when you have other minus armor to stack with it.
Prophecy (1) | October 9, 2013 5:29pm
I can't argue any point you made, and I will add more builds which include scythe as a core, because it is legitimate and definitely will be the choice in a more serious game. This build is as I said not for competitive play. Call it a pub stomp build if you will. Playing this style, I don't spend any time in the jungle hardly. This is about being a ganking machine...I can't afk jungle with him. Honestly I'v usually ganked by level 2. I did give justifications for the build in the guide, and explained the 2 treant levels, and when it is proper to take more. As far as the treads go, yes you can Shadow Blade first...I do that a lot myself. Just depends on the game. I could go more in depth about that. I will be adding a lot more to the guide as far as other builds and some other additions within a few weeks though. I will include a more traditional NP build in that, but what fun would it be to post another cookie cutter same as everybody else guide :P This is definitely for an ultra aggressive player. Give it a try...u might like it! +rep for the well thought out comment though

....PS. Deso I do not believe to be overrated at all though.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | October 9, 2013 4:13am
This guide has many points I disagree with. Even though it's a good starting point for beginners and pub players, it can definitely be improved:

  • Getting only two points on Nature's Call reduces Nature's Prophet usefulness: having two more Treants per activation is HUGE for pushing and makes jungling even faster; you shouldn't need so many early levels of Teleportation anyway as you should be jungling until you finish Hand of Midas and at least half a Shadow Blade; one level is enough to teleport when early ganks occur.

  • I think the Desolator is overrated on this Hero: most of the time the Scythe of Vyse is a better decision. Think about it: would your team prefer a split pusher with more damage and little teamfight capabilites (remember that Sprout can be destroyed by many skills including Vacuum, Midnight Pulse and Chakram) or an extra disable and more survivability on one of the farm-dependent Heroes? As your team should already have a carry, most of the time the extra damage is negligible. Still, as this is a pub guide, it's a viable choice; what I'm saying is that's not the best one.

  • Lastly, even though it's not that important, after getting Midas a lot of players prefer going Boots of Speed into Shadow Blade and then completing the Treads: saving almost 1000 gold (which means it takes roughly 1/4 less time to farm the SB) is really helpful as you can start pushing earlier; putting early pressure on the tier 1 towers will make low-skilled players defend with all the 5 Heroes, so that your teammates can push elsewhere or farm more safely.
Prophecy (1) | October 7, 2013 4:38pm
Those 2 definitely could be interchangeable....usually by lvl 3 an opportunity comes to gank though.
needmorewood | October 6, 2013 10:05pm
question why would u get sprout at lvl 3 when u can get lvl 2 treants at lvl 3? wouldve put the sprout at lvl 4 instead. small thing but it definitly helps
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | October 6, 2013 2:13pm
It used to be that his skill wouldn't let you. They patched it a LONG time ago so that you could.
Prophecy (1) | October 5, 2013 4:29pm
You are completely right. I wrote this in a couple sittings while at work. Last time was like 3 months ago, and I have no clue what I was thinking lol. I fixed it though, and I appreciate you pointing it out. +rep
xpoizone (1) | October 5, 2013 4:14pm
I'm pretty damn sure you can teleport to undiscovered places in the map with Furion. You might want to fix that.
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