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3 Votes

Wraith King - Semi-Basic Carry Guide

July 11, 2014 by Caduceus2302
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Hamstertamer (89) | July 11, 2014 1:03am
Refresher Orb on Wraith King is a troll build. A really fun troll build : it's great for screwing around , but if the question is "what is the best item if I want to actually win the game", you shouldn't get this. It's like getting dagon on Chen, or Desolator on Dazzle, it's really fun, and it does make sense in terms of mechanics, but you can really throw a game by doing that, so at least be aware that you're going for a silly build and go back to serious DotA if it's backfiring horribly (which it will). Refresher Orb is only for refreshing game-changing ultimates, and carries almost never get it. The few carries that can go refresher like Spectre, Faceless Void, Medusa or doom bringer do this because their ultimates can turn a teamfight completely. But I have yet to see how double Reincarnation can turn the tide of a teamfight...especially since the enemy team probably won't be attacking you anyways if you have it :)

Refresher only makes sense if you have Divine Rapier, and even if you do you're probably better off with serious defensive items like Black King Bar anyways.

Wraith King is already hard countered by mana burn and going Refresher Orb only makes this worse.
Krwiozerca (34) | July 10, 2014 11:40am
Ok, it looks better, but read that so you can learn some formatting, ok?

Here's the link:
Xyrus (104) | July 10, 2014 7:58am
MeatWaad wrote:

Excuse me my ignorance but....

Does Vlad's stack with Vampiric Aura?

Yes, yes it does. It's only Lifesteal from 2 Orbs that don't stack, so HoTD/ Satanic/ Mask of Madness do not stack with each other, but any of them stack with both Vampiric Aura and Vladmir's Offering
Krwiozerca (34) | July 10, 2014 7:36am
I completely do not like Refresher Orb on Wraith King. He has terrible mana pool, and because you will have no damage items, you will build a slow for over 5k gold.

I do not also think that Wraith King is utterly useless when underfarmed. His slow upon death is significant. Actually, he being underfarmed is much better than almost any carry, because even when he dies using Reincarnation, he is doing something.

This is not "Semi-Basic" guide. This is Very Basic guide. Too Basic I think. You need to put more explanations: skill build, item build...
MeatWaad (1) | July 10, 2014 7:14am
Excuse me my ignorance but....

Does Vlad's stack with Vampiric Aura?

In the ITEMS EXPLANATION section, try to explain more than basic information from the item itself. Remember, is a guide as such must give more information, phrases like these:

Aegis of the Immortal:
If you want to live forever.
Why should I take it? How and when is the right time to get it?

Abyssal Blade:
If you have great attack speed, get this. It gives tankiness and an amazing amount of damage.
What do you call "great attack speed"? please include some numbers

Detailed information makes your guide more comprehensive and personal. As you said is your favorite hero, please tell us why is your favorite doing more "in deep" guide.

I totally agree with Refresher Orb on Wraith King 3 lives makes your opponents 3 times effort to kill you.

Check this guide!! formating is always better than a wall of text.

Good luck!
Cataclysm2146 (3) | July 10, 2014 3:27am
Always max Stun first, it's your nuke, you need it to be as mana effecient as possible. The 95 damage from stun far surpasses a level in crit or lifesteal, as those will do almost nothing(earlygame rightclicks are quite weak)
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